

作者(外文):Yeung, Jason H.
主題關鍵詞:科學神學T. F. Torrance
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1.楊慶球(2004)。神學的哲學基礎。香港:天道。  延伸查詢new window
2.Gunton, Colin(1985)。Enlightenment and Alienation。Basingstoke:London:Marshall, Morgan and Scott。  new window
3.Colyer, Elmer M.(2001)。How To Read T. F. Torrance: Understanding His Trinitarian and Scientific Theology。Downers Grove:Inter Varsity Press。  new window
4.Torrance, T. F.(1985)。Reality and Scientific Theology。Edinburgh:Scottish Academic Press。  new window
5.Popper, K. R.(1968)。The Logic of Scientific Discovery。New York:Harper Torchbooks。  new window
6.Barbour, Ian(1990)。Religion in an Age of Science。New York:Harper & Row。  new window
7.Torrance, T. F.(1981)。Divine and Contingent Order。Oxford:OUP。  new window
8.Torrance, T. F.(1984)。Transformation and Convergence in the Future of Knowledge。Belfast:Christian Journals。  new window
9.Jaki, Stanley L.(1978)。The Road of Science and the Ways to God。Chicago:Univ. of Chicago Press。  new window
10.Plotinus、Mackenna, Stephen(1969)。The Enneads。London:Faber & Faber。  new window
11.Torrance, T. F.(1965)。Theology in Construction。London:SCM。  new window
12.Torrance, T. F.(1971)。God and Rationality。London:OUP。  new window
13.Torrance, T. F.(1980)。Christian Theology and Scientific Culture。Belfast:Christian Journals。  new window
14.Newton, Isaac、Motte, Andrew、Cajori, Florian(1962)。Principia。Berkeley:Univ. of California Press。  new window
15.Berkeley, George、Warnock, G. J.(1972)。The Principles of Human Knowledge。Fontana:Collins。  new window
16.Kant, Immanuel、Smith, N. K.(1976)。Critique of Pure Reason。London:Macmillan。  new window
17.Popper, K.(1983)。Objective Knowledge。Oxford:OUP。  new window
18.Popper, K.(1965)。The Logic of Scientific Discovery。New York:Harper Torchbooks。  new window
19.Maxwell, Clark J.、Einstein, A.、Torrance, T. F.(1982)。A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field。Edinburgh:Scottish Academic。  new window
20.Polkinghorne, John(1986)。One World。London:SPCK。  new window
21.Niven, W. D.(1890)。The Scientific Paper of James Clerk Maxwell。Cambridge。  new window
22.Einstein, Albert(1950)。Out of My Later Years。New York:Philosophical Library。  new window
23.保羅戴維斯、徐培(1995)。上帝與新物理學。長沙:科學技術。  延伸查詢new window
24.Popper, Karl(1982)。Quantum Theory and the Schism in Physics。London:Hutchinson。  new window
25.伊安巴伯(2004)。當科學遇到宗教。北京:三聯。  延伸查詢new window
26.Torrance, Thomas F.(1980)。The Ground and Grammar of Theology。Belfast:Christian Journals。  new window
27.Torrance, Thomas、阮煒(1997)。神學的科學。香港:漢語基督教研究所。  延伸查詢new window
28.Popper, Karl R.(1972)。Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge。London:Routledge & Kegan Paul Limited。  new window
29.Einstein, A.、Infeld, L.(1938)。The evolution of physics。New York:Simon and Schuster。  new window
30.Babour, Ian G.、阮煒(1993)。科學與宗教。成都:四川人民出版社。  延伸查詢new window
31.Kuhn, Thomas Samuel(1970)。The Structure of Scientific Revolutions。University of Chicago Press。  new window
32.Polanyi, Michael(1983)。Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-critical Philosophy。London:Routledge & Kegan Paul。  new window
1.Gunton, C. E.(1988)。The Truth of Christology。Belief in Science and in Christian Life。Edinburgh:Handsel。  new window
2.愛因斯坦、英費爾德、周筆威(1979)。廣義相對論及其實驗驗證。物理學的進化。上海:上海科學技術。  延伸查詢new window
3.Newton, Isaac(1964)。Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy。Problems of Space and Time。New York:Macmillan。  new window
4.Barbour, Ian(1947)。There are no bare un-interpreted data, all data are theory-laden。Myths, Models and Paradigms。New York:Harper & Row。  new window
5.愛因斯坦、英費爾德(2004)。場與實物。物理學的進化。  延伸查詢new window
6.Northrop, F. S. C.(1971)。[Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science] Introduction。Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science。New York:Harper & Row。  new window
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