

作者:劉育偉 引用關係許華孚 引用關係
作者(外文):Liu, Yu-weiHsu, Hua-fu
主題關鍵詞:犯罪預防情境犯罪預防評估瑞典機會Crime preventionSituational crime preventionEvaluation studiesSwedishOpportunity
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1.Ahlberg, J.、Abrahamsson, K.(1994)。Nya anmälningsrutiner vid bilbrott: en utvärdering。Stockholm:Brottsförebyggande rådet。  new window
2.Björ, J.、Knutsson, J.、Kühlhorn, E.(1991)。Midsommarfirandet på Öland: en studie i konsten att förebygga kollektiv oordning。Stockholm:Rikspolisstyrelsen。  new window
3.Carter, N.(1994)。Åtgärder mot butiksstölder。Institutionen för tillämpad psykologi. Uppsala Universitet。  new window
4.Knutsson, J.、Kühlhorn, E.(1980)。När checkbedrägerierna försvann。Stockholm:Brottsförebyggande rådet:Liber Förlag。  new window
5.Knutsson, J.(1995)。Polisen i parken: en studie i konsten att upprätthålla ordning。Stockholm:Rikspolisstyrelsen。  new window
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8.Kuhlhorn, E.(1976)。Frihetsberövanden och polisen: en utvärdering av lagen om tillfälligt omhändertagande。Stockholm:Brottsförebyggande rådet:Liber Förlag。  new window
9.Kühlhorn, E.(1978)。Deprivation of freedom and the police: an evaluation of the temporary custody Act。Stockholm:The National Council for crime prevention:Liber Förlag。  new window
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22.Clarke, Ronald V.(1997)。Situational Crime Prevention: Successful Case Studies。Harrow and Heston。  new window
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3.Barr, R.、Pease, K.(1990)。Crime placement, displacement and deflection。Crime and justice: An annual review of research。Chicago:University of Chicago Press。  new window
4.Hirschi, T.(1986)。On the compatibility of rational choice and social control theories of crime。The reasoning criminal: rational choice perspectives on offending。New York:Springer Verlag。  new window
5.Knutsson, J.、Kühlhorn, E.(1982)。Controlling the opportunity structure: An example of effective crime prevention。Crime prevention。Stockholm:Liber Förlag。  new window
6.Knutsson, J.、Kühlhorn, E.(1992)。Macro measures against crime: The example of check forgeries。Situational crime prevention: successful case studies。New York:Harrow and Heston。  new window
7.Knutsson, J.、Kühlhorn, E.(1997)。Macro measures against crime: The example of check forgeries。Situational crime prevention-successful case studies。New York:Harrow and Heston。  new window
8.Knutsson, J.(1997)。Restoring Public Order in a City Park。Policing for Prevention: Reducing crime, public intoxication and injury。New York:Criminal Justice Press。  new window
9.Kühlhorn, E.(1979)。Public disorder and the police。Police and the social disorder。Stockholm:The National Council for crime prevention:Liber Förlag。  new window
10.Kühlhorn, E.(1982)。Housing allowances in a welfare society: Reducing the temptation to cheat。Crime prevention。Stockholm:The National Council for Crime prevention:Liber Förlag。  new window
11.Kühlhorn, E.(1997)。Juggling with housing allowances。Situational crime prevention: successful case studies。New York:Harrow and Heston。  new window
12.McCord, J.(1995)。Motivational crime prevention strategies and the role of opportunity。Integrating crime prevention strategies: propensity and opportunity。Stockholm:National Council for Crime Prevention Sweden:Allmanna Forlaget。  new window
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