

作者(外文):Huang, Chun-sungLai, Li-hsiangSun, Erh-yin
主題關鍵詞:知覺品質顧客滿意度顧客忠誠度中介效果Perceived qualityCustomer satisfactionCustomer loyaltyMediating effect
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the mediating effect of perceived quality on the consumption process that the credit card issuing bank's corporate image and customer expectations influenced consumer behavior. In this study, we collected 318 valid samples about credit card holders in Taiwan, apply structural equation modeling (SEM) to construct the customer satisfaction model. The results conformed to the external service-profit chain theory, and confirmed that if bank strengthen perceived quality can enhance the perceived value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. By the mediating functions of perceived quality, the effect of the bank's corporate image and customer expectations reflected on consumer behavior, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is very significant. We recommend that the credit card issuing bank may adopt the customer-oriented service strategy, according to the derived relations will help the credit card issuing bank more effectively achieve customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, further increase revenue and profit growth of card-issuing bank.
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