

主題關鍵詞:貝多芬奏鳴曲悲愴奏鳴曲鋼琴鋼琴教學BeethovenPathétique SonataSonataPianoPiano pedagogy
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貝多芬所作的三十二首鋼琴奏鳴曲,有著鍵盤樂「新約全書」 之美稱,分別創作於西元1795-1822 年間。每一首奏鳴曲,無論在 創作特性或鋼琴技巧上,皆有其獨特之處,不但見證著貝多芬音樂 成長歷程,更見證了奏鳴曲之歷史蛻變。 本研究擬剖析貝多芬早期《悲愴》奏鳴曲之第一樂章,深入探 究貝多芬在此樂章中,如何超越早期保守的奏鳴曲曲式,以嶄新的 創作手法,開展奏鳴曲的新境界。首先,將概述《悲愴》奏鳴曲之 歷史背景及特色,之後為此樂章作曲式分析。曲式分析後,加進一 段演奏/教學提要,針對鋼琴彈奏/教學上所需面對的問題逐一提 出,並進而提供可能解決之道,期盼藉此給予演奏/教學者更具體 之幫助。
Beethoven’s thirty-two piano sonatas are such cornerstones of piano literature that no serious pianist fails to include at least a few of them in his or her repertory. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the first movement of Beethoven’s “Pathétique” Sonata, a masterpiece from the composer’s early period. Following a brief historical background of the work, analyses of the movement, performance problems and possible solutions are provided.
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