

作者:戴榮冠 引用關係
作者(外文):Dai, Rong-guan
主題關鍵詞:華夷春秋胡傳四庫全書春秋胡氏傳Hwa and yiThe spring and autumn annalsMaster Hu's commentary on the spring and autumn annalsSi ku quan shu
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The appearance of differentiation between Hwa and Yi(華夷之辨) was regarded as a taboo under powerful control of the Qing dynasty.However, the Master Hu’s Commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals (春秋胡氏傳) was reference book in the Imperial civil service examination.Moreover,the book head mentioned a lot of appearance of differentiation between Hwa and Yi.Since the emperor Kang Xi,had many criticism about the book,including three kinds of official works.What kind of appearance will be showed Under the change of Master Hu’s Commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals is the motive of the article. The article compare Si Bu Cong Kan Xu Bian(四部叢刊續編 with Si ku quan shu Xui Yao (四庫全書薈要、Wen Yuan Ge Si ku quan shu 文淵閣四庫全書、Wen Jin Ge Si ku quan shu(文津閣四庫全書,and find there differences. That can help us to research the meaning of difference. The research demonstrated that the Qing dynasty strengthen there govenance from the change between Si ku quan shu Xui Yao and Wen Yuan Ge Si ku quan shu 文淵閣四庫全書. The differences between Wen Yuan Ge Si ku quan shu 文淵閣四庫全書 and Wen Jin Ge Si ku quan shu 文津閣四庫全書 revealed that different place of book collection can lead to different contents.Besides,The phenomenon of contents disordered and strenge style of calligraphy in Wen Yuan Ge Si ku quan shu 文淵閣四庫全書, showing that some people’s noncooperation about the appearance of differentiation between Hwa and Yi 華夷之辨.
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