

作者:鄭津津 引用關係
作者(外文):Cheng, Chin-chin
主題關鍵詞:勞動派遣工作權Dispatched employmentRight to work
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As the development of atypical employment, dispatched employment has grown rapidly in Taiwan. It becomes popular not only in private industry, but also in public sector. Some governmental agencies adopt dispatched employment to solve the problem of man-power shortage. The more dispatched workers utilized by employers, the more regular employees would lose their jobs. Most dispatched works are low-paid, low-skilled, and low-potential. The working conditions for most dispatched workers are therefore inferior. The job security for most dispatched workers is also unstable. Based on the conditions aforementioned, dispatched employment has become a byword of "exploitation of labor" and has invited lots of criticisms. Section 15 of Taiwan Constitution provides "the right of existence, the right of work, and the right of property shall be guaranteed to the people." Section 152 of the Constitution further provides" The State shall provide suitable opportunity for work to people who are able to work." Furthermore, a case involved with the issue whether dispatched employment has infringed dispatched workers’ right to work is now under litigation. This article is to do a research regarding "dispatched employment and right to work". This article starts from introducing the nature and characteristics of dispatched employment. It then discusses the disputes caused by dispatched employment and the relevant problems under constitutional protection of right work. This article further discusses relevant court decisions and the Labor Standards Act Amendment announced by the Council of Labor Affairs in Jan. 11, 2010. In the end, this article provides recommendations for the future development of dispatched employment under the premise of guaranteeing workers’ right to work in Taiwan.
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