

作者:蔡敏玲 引用關係
作者(外文):Tsai, Min-ling
主題關鍵詞:工匠藝術博雅教育競賽藝術理論全人概念人文教育Artes mechanicaeArtes liberalsParagoneUniversal manStudia humanitatis
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切尼諾.切尼尼的《藝術之書》(Il Libro dell’Arte)雖成書早於雷歐.巴提斯塔.阿爾貝提的藝術論著,但嚴格而論《藝術之書》為保有中世紀配方(工具)書特色之著作,不同於藝術理論的撰寫形制;然而切尼尼書中的創作概念對後世藝術理論著作的發展具有其影響力。雷歐.巴提斯塔.阿爾貝提的藝術理論-《論繪畫》(De Pictura or Della Pittura)、《論塑像》(De Statua)及《建築論》(De Re Aedificatoria)可被譽為是西方國家最早且最完整就視覺藝術方面的理論著作;這些著作不僅開啓視覺藝術全新的概念與理解,同時奠立往後不同於中古世紀工坊教育傳統的藝術與藝術家教育理念,而文藝復興及其「全人」(Universal Man)概念亦直接反映並影響這一新藝術教育的形成。相較於阿爾貝提,文藝復興全人及藝術家雷奧納多.達.文西更致力於改變藝術教育系統及繪畫藝術與藝術家的社會地位。達.文西現典藏於梵蒂岡圖書館中的手稿Codex Urbinas Latinus 1270,即為後人所熟知的「競賽藝術理論」(Paragone),為達.文西藝術著作《繪畫理論》(Trattao della Pittura)中的首章,亦是達.文西藝術著作極具創新與重要的部份。文中,達.文西將視覺藝術特別是繪畫和自古代以來被視為博雅教育的詩文或音樂做比較分析;藉由這一比較一方面顯示藝術家們的自覺,另一方面更促使文藝復興時期藝術教育概念的轉變。換言之,一位藝術家需具備數理、文學、歷史與修辭學等知識,同時具有卓越的disegno與完善的技法來創作藝術作品。從切尼尼的《藝術之書》到達.文西的《繪畫理論》或「競賽藝術理論」可看出,藝術教育如何從中世紀強調技法與學徒工坊形式轉化成著重「全人」的教育概念與對繪畫藝術的賞析。
Although the treatise of Il Libro dell’Arte or "The Craftsman’s Handbook" of Cennino Cennini was written earlier than Leon Battista Alberti’s art theories, but different from the writing modus of art theory, the Libro dell’Arte retains the characteristics of the medieval recipe books. However, Cennini’s concepts of the creativity had influenced the later development of the art theory. The art theory of Leon Battista Alberti, De Pictura or Della Pittura (On Painting), De Statua (On Sculpture) and De Re Aedificatoria (On Architecture), can be called as the earliest theory of high art in the western world. Those treatises began the new concept of the high art, meanwhile cultivating the whole new era of education for art/artists, totally differing from the traditional way of craftsman’s workshop praxis in the medieval time. Moreover, Renaissance and its idea of the "Universal Man" reflect the new education of art. The universal man Leonard da Vinci was even more engaged, in altering teaching system of art and the statues of artists, than Alberti. The opening section of the Trattato della pittura, or "Treatise on painting", known as Paragone or Codex Urbinas Latinus 1270 collecting in the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (Vatican Library), is the most recognized manuscripts from Da Vinci’s theoretical notes. In the treatise, Da Vinci was taking arts, especially the painting, to compare with music and poetry etc, which belong to the subjects of Artes Liberales from classical antiquity. For the one thing, that shows the self-awareness of artists; for the other thing, they facilitate a change in education of art since the Renaissance. In other words, an artist should be provided with mathematics, literature, history, rhetoric etc and have remarkable disegno and the technique to create high art. From the Libro dell’Arte of Cennino Cennini to the Paragone of Leonardo da Vinci, we can find how the transformation from emphasizing teaching skills and alievo system in the Middle Ages to the concept of the universal human in education and estimation of art.
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