

作者:陳睿宏 引用關係
作者(外文):Chen, Rui-hong
主題關鍵詞:張理元代易學易象圖說大衍之數河圖洛書Zhang LiYixue in Yuan DynastyYi-xiang-tu-shuoThe Dayan divinationHetuLuoshu
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Jingxue in Song Dynasty was highly focused on Yili (Principle Study), and so was Yixue. However, since Chen Tuan, Tu-Shu had been propsed, a new trend of Yixue development, a combination of new diagram-styled Xiang-Shu and Yili. Tu-Shu had offered philosophers of this era a new perspective to interpret Yixue and a new issue to elaborate on. Yi-xiang-tu-shuo by Zhang Li of Yuan Dynasty, adopting Yi theories of his predecessors, incorporating views of Chen Tuan, Liu Mu, Shao Yong, Zhou Dunyi, Zhu Zhen, Zhu Xi, and Cai Dingyuan, put forth his own theory, constructed a complex and ingenious system of Yi-Tu, and combined it with the application of Yi-Shu. This new theory, with its concern on Tu-Shi (Yi Diagrams), provided an innovative interpretation of Yixue. With the focus on the underlying meanings of the diagram symbols and the review of important Yi content, the present study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding and a systematic analysis of Zhang's Tu-Shi and explore the essence of Zhang's Tu-Shu Yixue and important meanings it conveys by addressing the following issues: the derivations of the numbers of Heaven and Earth, the important features and meanings of Hetu and Luoshu, the Tu-Shi system of Taiji derivations, the evolution of Xian-Hou-Tian Tu-shi, and the application and changing system of 64-Gua.
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