

作者:張怡雯 引用關係張世緯陳超平吳鴻文 引用關係
作者(外文):Chang, Yi-wenChang, Shih-weiChen, Chao-pingWu, Hong-wen
主題關鍵詞:前十字韌帶損傷脛骨前向位移量轉身動作Anterior cruciate ligament insufficiencyAnterior tibial translationPivoting movement
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本研究目的為比較前十字韌帶重建受試者在不同貼紮狀態下脛骨前向位移量和膝關節角度的差異。受試者為11位男性前十字韌帶重建患者,平均年齡為25.5 ± 2.9歲,在不同的膝關節貼紮狀態下(包括無貼紮、螺旋貼紮、側副韌帶貼紮與合併貼紮),利用KT-2000膝關節測量儀,量測脛骨前向位移量,並利用Vicon三維動作分析系統分析走路及轉身動作的膝關節角度,使用重覆量數單因子變異數分析比較不同貼紮狀態下膝關節運動學的差異。研究結果發現:貼紮可以有效減少前十字韌帶重建患者的脛骨前向位移量,表示貼紮可以增進膝關節的穩定性,其中合併貼紮可以提供脛骨前向位移量最多的限制,另外,合併貼紮在轉身動作 中也可以減少膝關節內旋角度且促進外旋角度。本研究結論:對於前十字韌帶重建患者而言,若要進行高衝擊性且伴隨轉身動作的運動時,建議使用合併貼紮,以達到最佳的膝關節穩定效益,減少再次受傷的機率。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of knee taping on anterior tibial translation and knee joint angles in subjects with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Eleven male subjects following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (aged 25.5 ± 2.9 years) were participated in this study. The study intervention was the knee taping, including no taping, rotary taping, collateral ligament taping and combined taping. The outcome measures were the anterior tibial translations measured by KT-2000 arthrometer and the knee joint angles measured by Vicon motion analysis system. One-way analysis of variance with repeated measures was used to compare the kinematic differences among different taping conditions. The results showed that taping could reduce the anterior tibial translation. Compared to other tapings, combined taping had the greatest effect in limiting the anterior tibial translation. Taping could improve the knee joint stability by decreasing the anterior tibial translation. Furthermore, taping could decrease the internal rotation angles and increase the external rotation angles during pivoting movements. Our findings suggested that taping could be beneficial to subjects with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, when they were performing the high-impact sports in concurrence with pivoting movement. Taping could enhance the knee joint stability and reduce the risk of re-injury.
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