

作者(外文):Chin, Andy C.
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2.左靄雲(201012)。Inclusion of the Outsider--Grammaticalization of the Verbal Particle Maai in Cantonese。Taiwan Journal of Linguistics,8(2),33-62。new window  new window
3.Lee, Thomas Hun-tak、Wong, Colleen(1998)。Cancorp-The Hong Kong Cantonese Child Language Corpus。Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale,27(2),211-228。  new window
4.錢志安(20110900)。粵語語法的多角度研究。中國語文研究,2011(1/2)=31/32,33-43。new window  延伸查詢new window
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6.Chan, Marjorie(2006)。Gender-marked speech in Cantonese: The case of sentence-final particles je and jek。Studies in the Linguistic Sciences,26(1/2),1-38。  new window
7.Wong, Ping-Wai(2006)。The specification of POS tagging of the Hong Kong University Cantonese Corpus。International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction,2(1),21-38。  new window
8.郭必之、片岡新(20060000)。早期廣州話完成體標記「曉」的來源和演變。中國文化研究所學報,15=46,91-116。new window  延伸查詢new window
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10.Leung, Man-Tak、Sam-Po Law(2001)。HKCAC: The Hong Kong Cantonese adult language corpus。International Journal of Corpus Linguistics,6(2),305-326。  new window
1.李雄溪、許子濱(2005)。五、六十年代香港粵語電影語言研究--以語氣詞“嗻”、“啫”為例。第十屆國際粵方言研討會,香港中文大學 。  延伸查詢new window
2.劉鎮發、蕭佩珊(2010)。香港語言變化的探討:透過六十年代粵語電影比較今昔粵語語音。第十五屆國際粵方言研討會,澳門理工學院 。  延伸查詢new window
3.歐陽偉豪(2006)。從周星馳對白的舊粵語到動詞後置成份的句法構築。香港語言學學會-粵語討論會(WOC-5):從社會語言學看粵語近代的轉變,香港中文大學 。  延伸查詢new window
1.片岡新(2010)。粵語體貌詞尾「緊」的演變和發展(博士論文)。香港中文大學。  延伸查詢new window
2.Chin, Andy Chi-on(2009)。The Verb GIVE and the Double-object Construction in Cantonese in Synchronic, Diachronic and Typological Perspectives(博士論文)。University of Washington,Seattle。  new window
1.Morrison, Robert(2001)。A Vocabulary of the Canton Dialect。London:Ganesha。  new window
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6.Leung, Wai Mun(2010)。On the Synchrony and Diachrony of Sentence Final Particles。Germany:Lambert Academic Publishing Co。  new window
7.Quaglio, Paulo(2009)。Television Dialogue: The Sitcom Friends vs. Natural Conversation。John Benjamins。  new window
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17.Yip, Virginia、Matthews, Stephen(2007)。The Bilingual Child: Early Development and Language Contact。Cambridge University Press。  new window
18.Matthews, Stephen、Yip, Virginia(1994)。Cantonese: A Comprehensive Grammar。Routledge。  new window
1.Cheun, Hung-nin Samuel(1997)。Completing the completive: (Re)constructing early Cantonese grammar。Studies on the History of Chinese Syntax。Project on Linguistic Analysis, University of California。  new window
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4.Alvarez-Pereyre, Michael(2011)。Using film as linguistic specimen。Telecinematic Discourse: Approaches to the Language of Films and Television Series。Amsterdam:John Benjamins。  new window
5.Chi, Andy Chi-on(2010)。The GO-type and the GIVE-type indirect object markers in the Conghua dialect。Studies in Honor of Jerry Norman。Hong Kong:The Ng Tor-tai Chinese Language Research Centre, Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong。  new window
6.Claridge, Claudia(2008)。Historical corpora。Corpus Linguistics: An International Handbook。Berlin:Mouton de Gruyter。  new window
7.Quaglio, Paulo.(2008)。Television dialogue and natural conversation: Linguistic similarities and functional differences。Annelie Adel and Randi Reppen。Amsterdam:John Benjamins。  new window
8.Yue-Hashimoto, Anne O.(2004)。Materials for the diachronic study of the Yue dialects。The Joy of Research: A Festschrift in Honor of Professor William S-Y. Wang on His Seventieth Birthday。Tianjin:Nankai University Press。  new window
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