

作者(外文):Yeh, Ching-hui
主題關鍵詞:公教人員保險法養老給付模擬分析人力資源專業職能Civil Servant and Teacher Insurance ActOld-aged benefitsSimulation analysisHuman resource competency
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The Civil Servant and Teacher Insurance Act was amended in 2014 and most important of that are old-aged benefits. The article analyzes the choice of old-aged benefits and it contributes to literature in four aspects: First, we use two variables in the choice of the old-aged benefits to simulate the better choice and make recommendation under various combinations of variables. Second, we help the faculty and staff of private school to understand the pros and cons of the two different payment systems of old-aged benefits. Third, we also recommend that the government should consider the equal condition between different old-aged benefits for the future amendments of regulations. Finally, we highlight the importance of HR competency through regulation analyzing.
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