

作者:紀大偉 引用關係
作者(外文):Chi, Ta-wei
主題關鍵詞:女同性戀T婆郭良蕙玄小佛李昂瓊瑤朱天心LesbianismT-PoButch/femmeLiang-hui KuoHsiao-fo HsuanLi AngQiong YaoTian-hsin ChuHomosexuality
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By "the purchase of lesbian intimacy," this article identifies in the 1970s literature the scenario that female homosexual couples in Taiwan are shown to be motivated more by financial security (with the help of capital either monetary or cultural) than by satisfaction of desire. Once the financial inducements end, such couples are subject to collapse. This connection of economy with intimacy is almost absent in the 1960s and 1970s literature on male homosexuality but highly visible in the 1970s literature on female homosexuality. Gay men (qua independent individuals) seek immediate sexual gratification rather than money whereas female homosexual couples (qua mutually dependent pairs) prefer long-term relationships, which require relationship-maintaining capital, to carnal satisfaction. This article focuses on the first wave of literary representations of female homosexuality in the 1970s. The advent of this first wave may be partially owing to the 1970s economic boom in Taiwan, which finally enabled women to leave home and escape parental control by working as laborers or by receiving middle and higher education. Equipped with pocket money and/or cultural capital, women, either in real life or in literature, were able to produce and consume narratives of romantic love, the luxuries not imaginable in the relatively more impoverished 1960s society. "Butch" and "femme" roughly correspond to "T" and "Po" in Taiwan. Contrary to common belief, the "T-Po" model does not monopolize the 1970s literary representations of female homosexuality. Many women in the texts creatively establish non-normative relationships with women, which do not necessarily exclude the possibility of bisexuality. It is noteworthy that many female characters interact with men (sexually or not) in order to procure capital to maintain their relationships with other women. Heterosexuality thus happens to take a part in the reproduction of female homosexuality as the texts under discussion suggest.
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