

作者:曹健仲徐嘉良 引用關係
作者(外文):Tsao, Chien-chungHsu, Chia-liang
主題關鍵詞:全美大學運動聯盟勝率標準差勝率基尼係數赫芬達爾-赫希曼指數National Collegiate Athletic AssociationStandard deviation of winning percentagesGini coefficients of winning percentagesHirfindahl-Hirschman index
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The purpose of this study was to examine the competitive balance issue of University Basketball Association (UBA), and compared the competitive balance between Division I male and female teams that advanced to final 8. Furthermore, this research provided some propositions to reduce the competitive unbalance situation based on the regulations of National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). The statistical methods of Standard deviation of winning percentages, Hirfindahl-Hirschman index, and Gini coefficients of winning percentages were applied to compare the competitive balance during the period from 89 to 101 academic years. The result showed that: 1. The competition was more balance after 94 academic years. 2. UBA has been dominated by relatively few teams over last decade. 3. There was greater competitive balance among the men's basketball teams than for the women's teams. In conclusion, the imbalance situation was reduced because of the regulations. In order to increase the competitive balance this study suggested that teams could offer financial compensation (scholarships) and nonmonetary benefits (training, tuition, facilities) as recruited players. Besides, UBA could follow the NCAA's "Academic Enhancement" program as a model to improve the healthy development of players.
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