

作者:戴有德郭士弘 引用關係辛麗華 引用關係陳珮君
作者(外文):Dai, You-deKuo, Shih-hungHsin, Li-huaChen, Pei-chun
主題關鍵詞:新移民女性生活壓力休閒調適信念休閒調適策略調適結果New immigrant femaleLife stressLeisure coping beliefLeisure coping strategyAdaptive outcomes
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Based on emergent persons as study subjects, Iwasaki (2003b) tests the leisure coping theory and finds the best goodness-fit model among eight rival models. However, Iwasaki also strongly argues that the result could be inconsistent if the testing subjects were different. Thus, in order to improve the leisure coping theory, Iwasaki strongly suggests more empirical researches in leisure coping theory are required. In recently years, new immigrant females in Taiwan have increased rapidly. They have changed population structure and the issues related to new immigrant females are becoming more and more important. There is still very limited research related to the leisure behavior of new immigrant females. Because the new immigrant females are a very minor and special group in Taiwan, they need to face more life stresses than others. Thus, this study would like to explore the relationships among life stress, leisure coping (leisure coping belief and leisure coping strategy), adaptive outcome, and health for new immigrant females. Hopefully, this study will more clarify the relationships among life stress, leisure coping (leisure coping belief and leisure coping strategy), adaptive outcome, and health for new immigrant females to contribute to the theory in leisure sociology. The results of this study would like to suggest the related departments of the government how to improve the leisure activities and settings for new immigrant females based on their specific characteristics. From this study, the government can understand the importance of leisure participation for new immigrant females and further improve the life quality, family harmony, and life satisfaction of new immigrant females.
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