

作者:馬孟晶 引用關係
作者(外文):Ma, Meng-ching
主題關鍵詞:西湖名勝志杭州出版文化旅遊文化West LakeGazetteers of scenic spotsHangzhouPrint cultureTourism
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The compilation of gazetteers devoted to scenic spots flourished in the late Ming period. Writings on West Lake(西湖) were especially abundant due to its popularity among tourists. This study focuses on two editions of "The Combined Gazetteers of West Lake"(西湖合志), one published in 1640 and the other in 1644. The Combined Gazetteers incorporated three gazetteers-one on West Lake, the second on the neighboring mountains of Tianmu(天目山), and finally, one on the Jing mountains(徑山)-which made it unusual among gazetteers of the Ming dynasty. In later editions, travel writings on famous mountains around the country were also incorporated. Gazetteers of landscapes around West Lake were reprinted relatively often during the last decades of the Ming period. The compilers included local literati, officials from neighboring towns, and scholar tourists. The motivations of officials who supported publication of gazetteers gradually shifted from public service-preserving local historical sources, and recording local histories,-to personal interest in recording outings and conducting poetry readings which enabled fellow literati to "travel" virtually to scenic spots through texts if they could not do so in person. Gazetteer compilers began to emphasize in reminiscing the touring experiences rather than recording local history, and travel writing and recreational poetry became important components of gazetteers. Gazetteers depicted West Lake not so much as a public scenic spot but rather as the site of the private memories of tourists. The great demand for gazetteers in places like Hangzhou drew ever more literati into the business of compiling them, creating a new profession for scholars. In this way, the compilation and publication of gazetteers created an alternate space for the literati's social activities.
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