

作者:温珮伶林師模 引用關係林晉勗 引用關係馮君強葛復光
作者(外文):Wen, Pei-lingLin, Shih-moLin, Jin-xuFeng, Chun-chiangKo, Fu-kuang
主題關鍵詞:陸域風力發電成本效益分析供給曲線躉購費率政策Onshore wind powerCost-benefit analysisSupply curveFeed-in tariff
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To encourage wind power installation, Taiwan has set up policy goals of installation and adopted a Feed-in Tariffs (FITs) mechanism for wind power deployment. However, information on whether the goals set and the design of the FITs mechanism are reasonable is still considered insufficient by the general public. This paper aims to conduct a complete cost-benefit analysis for onshore wind turbine development in Taiwan. We use an onshore wind power supply curve to demonstrate the potential cost and benefit of wind power for Taiwan's electricity requirements. Based on this curve, we examine (1) the competitiveness of wind power installation; (2) the costs and benefits of wind power installation; and (3) the adequacy of existing promotion policies. Our results indicate that Taiwan's current FITs seem inadequate to stimulate the deployment of sufficient domestic onshore wind turbines to achieve policy targets.
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