

作者:鄭得興 引用關係
作者(外文):Cheng, Ter-hsing
主題關鍵詞:中東歐捷克斯洛伐克轉型正義歷史遺緒Central and Eastern EuropeCzech RepublicSlovak RepublicTransitional justiceHistorical legacy
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本文以曾擁有共同過去的捷克及斯洛伐克這一對國家為例,探討 1989年絲絨革命之後轉型正義進程如何深受各自歷史遺緒之影響,以及轉型正義作為民主鞏固的現實困境,結果捷克選擇深化轉型正義的實踐,而斯洛伐克卻淡化了轉型正義的作用。本文首先以前政權合法統治權威(歷史遺緒)作為影響轉型正義的重要因素探討,亦即試圖以「相對性的合法統治權威」概念作為影響新興民主國家轉型正義程度的因素探討,其中以中東歐國家與其他新興民主國家之比較、捷克與波蘭及匈牙利之比較、以及捷克與斯洛伐克之比較,作為歷史遺緒(相對性的合法統治權威)解釋新興民主國家轉型正義的再檢視。其次,以捷克及斯洛伐克轉型正義之內涵與模式,嘗試與台灣轉型正義進行比較,其中特別強調斯洛伐克模式與台灣模式的親近性。昀後,本文將反思轉型正義的現實性、侷限性及未來走向的可能性。
This paper takes the case of Czech Republic and Slovakia ever with a common past to explore how their transitional justice is affected by their respective historical legacy after the Velvet Revolution in 1989, and the dilemmas of transitional justice in the consolidation of democracy. As a result, Czech Republic chose to deepen the practice of transitional justice, while Slovakia had played down the role of transitional justice. Firstly, this paper takes the prior-regime legitimate governing authority (historical legacy) as important factors of influencing the transitional justice. That is, it attempts the theoretical concept of “the relative legitimate governing authority” as a discussion on the factors of affecting the level of transitional justice in emerging democracies, with comparison between Central-Eastern European countries and other emerging democracies, with comparison among the Czech Republic, Poland, and Hungary, and with comparison between the Czech Republic and Slovakia, which can be taken as the re-examination of historical legacy and transitional justice in the new democracies. Secondly, this paper tries to make a comparison between Czech-Slovakia and Taiwan on the issue of transitional justice, and eventually this paper will reflect on the possibility of reality, limitation and future direction of transitional justice.
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