

作者:簡妙如 引用關係
作者(外文):Jian, Miao-ju
主題關鍵詞:歌唱選秀節目免費勞動明星夢業餘者可拋式名人Taiwan talent search showsFree laborsPop star dreamAmateursDispensable celebrities
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Talent search shows have been quite a hit over the past decade in Taiwan. Against a background of industry crisis with both music and television industries facing severe challenges, TV stations set up a new profit model via cross media integration, and function as "star factories" for aspiring amateurs. Like all reality TV shows with audience participation appeals, these programs attract the willing contribution of amateur contestants, who, with pop star dream to realize, patiently and obediently endure the whole process of "talent search" game while assiduously investing their time, energy, money, talents and creativity. This paper explains how these amateur aspirants are actually being exploited as acquiescent labors, and then further degraded into the status of dispensable celebrities with a mere 15 minutes of media spotlight. The author argues that, behind the flamboyant stardom suggested by talent search shows, there is the disguised recruitment of free labor for calculative profiteering. Amateur aspirants are actually coaxed into willing cooperation and obedient dedication in the name of self-investment. To conclude, the author points out that, while it is very characteristic of the media industry to engage amateur contestants in such an exploitative relationship, the phenomenon is but a miniature of the highly hierarchical power structure typical of the media entertainment industry.
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