

作者:陳杏枝 引用關係游家政 引用關係
作者(外文):Chen, Hsin-chihYu, Chia-cheng
主題關鍵詞:全人教育通識教育理念臺灣通識教育通識教育變遷Holistic educationIdea of general educationGeneral education of TaiwanChange of general education
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General education in Taiwan started to develop since the mid 1980s. At the time, it adopted the idea of liberal education from the Western world. In December 1999, the Ministry of Education proposed three important concepts- holistic education, friendly campus, and lifelong learning-as the new educational vision of the 21st century. Since then, the term holistic education has been widely used by many universities in Taiwan. This study aims to understand how holistic education is interpreted by the majority of universities as the idea of general education, and how it is presented in the G. E. curriculum design at each university. First of all, this study browsed the G. E. web pages of 49 comprehensive universities in Taiwan. It was found that 25 universities chose holistic education as the idea of G. E.. However, only 14 universities offer enough information online for a full analysis. The findings are as follow. The balance among 5 pillars (morality, intellectuality, physical strength, gregariousness, aesthetics), multiple development, as well as the balance between professional education and general education, are the 3 most popular interpretations. The universities with these interpretations are more likely to develop their G. E. courses in the 3 broad categories: humanities, social sciences, and natural science. In addition, the universities with Christian background are inclined to give a detailed explanation of their version of holistic education, and design their G. E. courses accordingly. The universities without Christian background obviously avoid the usage of terms such as holy, spirit, and God, to describe their holistic education. Few universities interpret holistic education as "self-understanding and development, individual relationships with other people, the environment, and the universe". This particular interpretation is considered by this study as a more appropriate definition of holistic education, because it fits better with the goals promoted by many recent projects by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan, such as the life education, sustainable development, and service learning.
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