

作者:林永森 引用關係陳韡方 引用關係蔡文宬
作者(外文):Lin, Yung-senChen, Wei-fangTsai, Wen-cheng
主題關鍵詞:衝浪遊憩涉入場所依賴場所認同SurfersRecreation involvementPlace dependencePlace identity
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The study discusses the relationship between surfer's recreation involvement and place attachment, and examines the connection of these two variables with recreation participants and area by the psychological and behavioral theories of recreation activities. It applied questionnaire survey in the research base of Honeymoon Bay in Ilan County where attracts many surfers, and conducted convenience sampling to obtain 387 valid questionnaires in total. The result reveals that the attraction and self-expression of recreation involvement have a positive significance in place dependence of place attachment. Therefore, the study finds out that the attraction and the self-expression influence the participant's mental dependence and attachment of recreation area.
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