

作者(外文):Wang, Tsu-hui
主題關鍵詞:博弈心理學博弈活動興奮感上癮行為持續投入Psychology of gamblingGamblingArousalAddictionPersistence
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近幾年澳門及新加坡博弈產業的發展讓這二個地區的經濟發展在全球仍陷在金融風暴的泥沼時異軍突起。博弈產業的發展證實確實能有效提供居民就業機會、推動觀光相關產業,吸引外國遊客的湧入、促進經濟發展同時促進個人自我需求滿足之功能及實現社會財富的再分配,博弈產業直接與間接創造了七十萬個工作機會和近210億美元的總薪資收入。一個成功的賭場經營除了掌握賭客的需求外,更重要的是掌握影響賭客持續投入博弈活動的因素。從賭場經營的觀點來看,賭客的持續性投入實際上是成功經營的關鍵,人們賭博的時間越長,賭場的獲利就越大。本研究採用實驗法,將參與人數20人分成實驗組(treatment group)與控制組(controlgroup)二組,分別測量賭客參與博弈活動時對於參與人數之多少及對不同賭具的熟悉度在博弈活動過程中,腦中所產生的不同興奮波(α、β、γ)值,並比較活動開始與結束時興奮波值之高低。然後根據所測得的興奮波值探討每場遊戲參與人數、賭客對於不同賭具之熟悉度於博弈活動過程中所產生的興奮感(arousal)程度之差異以及興奮感與賭客持續投入博弈活動的關係。研究發現在實驗過程中對於賭具熟悉的賭客比不熟悉的賭客呈現明顯興奮感。每場博弈活動的參與人數為4人時賭客興奮感最強。再者賭客於博弈活動過程中所產生的興奮感會激發賭客「上癮行為」,最後只能經由滿足這個慾望的方式(持續投入賭博)才能減緩。本研究發現於實務上提供博弈遊戲設計者、博彩機構、賭場業者、或其他以風險行為來賺取利潤為目的之業者在進行相關研究計劃或設備建置時因興奮感所激起之正面的愉悅情緒及背後所帶來的商機提供參考。
The prosperous gaming sectors in Macau and Singapore have made the two territories stand out like two beacons in a world still mired in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. New thrusts of gambling enterprises have proved to be effective in creating jobs for locals, attracting foreign investment and visitors, promoting tourism, and growing local economy. Casinos are also places where individuals satisfy their desires and the society achieves wealth redistribution .The global gaming sector has created 700,000 jobs and US$21 billion in total salary income directly and indirectly. Success of a casino lies in not only attracting gamblers but also keeping them in the games. From a business point of view, persistence of gamblers is the key to success: The longer a gambler stays in the game, the more profit the casino reaps. This study performs experiments with 20 participants evenly divided into the treatment group and the control group. Brain waves (α、β、γ) are measured to see how the brain waves correlate with the number of participants and the level of familiarity with the game rules, and what the wave amplitudes are at beginning and the end of games. The wave amplitudes are analyzed against the number of participants and participants' level of familiarity with gaming devices to see how the level of arousal fluctuates with time as the game goes on, and the correlation between arousal and duration of persistence. The experiments show the strongest arousal appears when there are four participants in the game. The arousal also sets off a pattern of addiction that can only be satisfied with continued gambling. This study aims to offer correlations between the euphoria resulting from arousal and the business opportunity lying behind for consideration by game designers, gambling establishments, casino operators and enterprises making profit from people's risky behavior.
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