

作者:呂博裕 引用關係陳欽雨 引用關係施怡君
作者(外文):Leua, Bor-yuhChen, Chin-yeuShi, Yi-chun
主題關鍵詞:溫室氣體盤查查證晶圓測試廠Greenhouse gasInventoryVerificationWafer probing factory
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本研究是依據 ISO/CNS 14064-1等規範,探討晶圓測試廠進行組織層級溫室氣體盤查之指導原則與必要程序,以獲致盤查結果;接著依據 ISO/CNS 14064-3等規範,針對盤查結果進行內部查證,從查證過程可辨識出盤查作業之缺失,作為未來盤查作業之參考。本研究並以一家實際的專業晶圓測試廠為個案,以闡述所使用的研究架構,而溫室氣體盤查年份為 2012年。本研究第一階段溫室氣體盤查結果顯示,在 2012年期間,個案公司溫室氣體總排放量為 19859.96公噸 CO2e/年。首先比較各排放源之排放量,其中,「外購電力」的排放量為 19845.30公噸 CO2e/年,占全年總排放量之 99.93%。本研究第二階段溫室氣體盤查後查證,係由個案公司環安部組成內部查證小組進行內部查證作業,查證結果顯示個案公司在重點項目皆符合 ISO/CNS 14064-1標準。
This study proposes a two-stage research structure. In the first stage, the standards of ISO/CNS 14064-1 and the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) protocol are used to investigate the guiding principles and required procedures of GHG inventory for a wafer probing factory (WPF). Based on these standards, the GHG inventory results of the WPF are gained and classified according to scopes. In the second stage, the GHG inventory results of the WPF are internally verified based on the standards of ISO/CNS 14064-3. The flaws of GHG inventory identified in the process of verification can be used as the reference of GHG inventory in the future. Finally, a real WPF is used to expound the research structure and the year of GHG inventory is 2012. Based on the results of the first stage of this study, the total GHG emission of the case company is 19859.96 tons CO2e/year in 2012. Comparing the emissions of major GHG emitters, the emission of “purchased electricity” is 19845.30 tons CO2e/year and the percentage is 99.93%. In the second stage of this study, a group from members of environment and security department of the case company is formed to internally verify the GHG inventory results. The key points of verification include organizational boundary, operational boundary, quantitative method, base year emissions, and data quality management. Verification results show that all the key points are met the standards of ISO/CNS 14064-1.
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