

作者:何昶鴛 引用關係賴姿婷黃有傑 引用關係
作者(外文):Ho, Chaang-iuanLai, Tz-tingHuang, You-jei
主題關鍵詞:旅遊網站屬性心流經驗實用性網站表現評價享樂性網站表現評價資訊品質Travel website attributesFlow experiencesUtilitarian website performance evaluationHedonic website performance evaluationInformation quality
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While the Internet has become a major channel for searching tourism information, creating and managing websites that fulfill one or more of the needs of users is crucially important to survive or even succeed for a company in the travel and tourism industry. This study attempts to evaluate travel websites in terms of the extent to which they satisfy both information and entertainment needs of users. The research model which has been proposed and validated by Huang (2003) was employed as a guiding framework for this study. According to Huang, website attributes were assumed to have direct impacts on users' flow experiences, and had indirect impacts on the utilitarian and hedonic aspects of website performance evaluation. Specifically, users were hypothesized to evaluate the website performance based on the web attributes and on whether they browsing experiences in the site. An online survey was conducted for data collection. In total, there were 406 usable responses obtained.The structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed to examine the causal relationships between the above-mentioned constructs empirically. However, the model estimations indicated that there was a low degree of reliability and constructive validity to the underlying constructs of ”interactivity”, ”novelty”, ”control” and ”interest” and suggested the removal of the four factors. While the structural model being hypothesized by the reminding respective constructs, confirmatory factor analysis was conducted again.The research results indicate that information quality excited curiosity and increased interest. Flow experiences were found to enhance both utilitarian and hedonic performance evaluations on the website. Consideration of the components of flow showed that curiosity was a more important determinant than interest to impact on website performance. For travel website practitioners, the research results suggest managers should endeavor to emphasize information quality to achieve specific goals (curiosity and interest) and to increase overall website performance (utilitarian and hedonic aspects).
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