

作者:楊婉珍胡巧欣 引用關係吳一德 引用關係
作者(外文):Yang, Wan-chenHu, Chiao-hsinWu, I-te
主題關鍵詞:護理人員職場疲勞工作適應心理健康Nursing staffWorkplace fatigueWork adjustmentMental health
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探討護理人員的工作時數、進修壓力與疲勞狀態間之關聯性,作為擬訂護理人員職場健康促進計畫之實証依據,以延展護理人員的職涯生命。本研究採橫斷式研究設計,使用國内臨床護理人員的職業疲勞所制定的量表為研究工具,以金門縣地區醫院護理人員進行全面問卷施測,發出155份問卷,回收150份問卷,扣除填答不完全者2份,總計148份有效問卷。以描述性統計、單因子多變量變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關,變項間達顯著差異進行薛費氏事後檢定,顯著水準定為α=.05。在工作時間對職場疲勞的影響中,顯示4項向度疲勞指數皆在高度工作時間顯著高於中度工作時間(HT>MT)及低度工作時間(HT>LT)。進修壓 力對職場疲勞的影響中,顯示個人疲勞、工作疲勞和疲勞總分等疲勞指數皆在有進修者顯著高於無進修(p<.05)。工作時間、進修壓力與職場疲勞間關連性中,顯示疲勞總分與有進修壓力(γ=.35,p<.05)及高度工作時間(γ=.31, p<.05)間達顯著的正相關。護理人員工作時間、進修壓力與職場疲勞間有顯著的關連性。 尤其在個人疲勞與職場疲勞總分之變項中,受到進修壓力及高度工作時間而產生顯著的影響。如果能有效改善這兩項影響因素,就能減少護理人員的職場疲勞,進而提升國内的照護品質。
This study investigate the relationship of working hours, stress studies and workplace fatigue in nursing staff, as the formulation of evidence-based workplace health promotion nursing staff plan to extend the life of nursing staff career. This study used to cross-sectional of quantitative research design, the research objects are nurses who work in the regional hospitals of Kinmen County, by conducting questionnaires of 155 copies. 150 questionnaires were recovered, Deducting 2 copies of invalid questionnaires, and totally we collected 148 copies of valid questionnaires. By using descriptive statistics, multivariate analysis of variance, MANOVA and Pearson correlation, the between variables was significant differences, we continue to analysis the Scheffe's, the significance level set at α = .05. The effects of working time on the workplace fatigue, such as fatigue index scores were significantly higher than moderate height working time working time (HT> MT) and low working hours (HT> LT) in showing four dimensions. The effects stress studies of fatigue in the workplace, showing personal fatigue, work fatigue and fatigue, such as fatigue index scores were significantly higher than in those no studies (p< .05). The relationship of working hours, stress studies and workplace fatigue in between variables, the display has a learning pressure and fatigue scores (r = .35, p < .05) and the height of working time (r = .31, p < .05) was significant between the positive related. The significantly relationship of working hours, stress studies and workplace fatigue in nursing staff, The variables of personal fatigue and workplace fatigue in the nurses, there may by a high degree of stress studies and working hours was significant impact. If you can effectively improve these two factors in order to reduce workplace fatigue of nurses, and thus enhance the domestic care quality.
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