

作者:魏百谷 引用關係
作者(外文):Wei, Bai-ku
主題關鍵詞:獨立國家國協集體安全條約組織自由貿易區國際組織跨界國家聯盟Commonwealth of Independent StatesThe Collective Security Treaty OrganizationCSTOFree trade areaInternational organizationInternational coalition
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Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, twelve former Soviet republics except for the three Baltic States formed the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). This new regional political organization is an association of states with headquarters inthe Belarusian capital Minsk and Russian as its working language. As time goes by many indications have showed that Russia, along with other CIS members, have been increasing their activities on the international stage; Central Asia states are especially foci of global attention. The CIS had its debut in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics when the eleven founding states attended the Games under the CIS banner. In 2002 CIS Collective Security Treaty was renamed the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). In 2011 CIS states created a free trade area (CISFTA). These developments demonstrate an augmenting relation. However there have been setbacks. Turkmenistan and Ukraine failed to ratify the CIS Charter, and in 2008 Georgia withdrew its membership. This article examines the legal implications of the evolving CIS. Will it become just another international organization, a new form of international coalition, or will it eventually come apart?
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