

題名:Exploring College Students' Reading Habits and Benefits of Extracurricular Reading
作者:郭筱晴 引用關係
作者(外文):Guo, Siao-cing
主題關鍵詞:大量閱讀休閒閱讀閱讀速度閱讀習性Extensive readingRecreational readingReading speedReading habits
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23.Day, Richard R.、Bamford, Julian(2002)。Top Ten principles for teaching extensive reading。Reading in a Foreign Language,14(2),136-141。  new window
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1. Corpus-based Research on Stance in Scientific Research Articles: A Study of IEEE Journals
2. Progressive or Reactionary: An Ongoing Critique of the Cultural Discourse of Besieged Masculinities in Contemporary Hollywood Films
3. Compliments and Criticisms Given by Judges on a Singing Competition Series in Taiwan
4. A Washback Study on Using Performance-referenced Business English Tests in an EFL Context
5. Exploring the Impact of Multiple Intelligences on Adult Learners' English Proficiency and Motivation
6. Using English Songs as Supplementary Materials in the Interpretation Class
7. Approaching Thought Processes: Metacognitive Strategy Use and Noticing in Oral Expressions
8. Re-presenting Subversive Fairy Tales in Taiwan and Mainland China from the Perspective of Relevance Theory: A Preliminary Study on Two Chinese Translations of The Book of Lost Things
9. Improving EFL College Students' Academic Writing and Accurate Usage of Verb-Noun Collocations through Self-directed Inductive Learning Aided by Online Concordancers and Corpora
10. Deconstructing Culture in Global English Language Textbooks: Implications for Intercultural Teaching
11. Lexical Development by Children of Thai Immigrants in Taiwan
12. The Differences of Learning Motivation, and a General Learning Outcome in a Mobile-Device-Aided Translation Class--Among Student Groups from Department of Applied English and Department of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
13. What Do Tongue Twisters Tell Us about L2 Receptive Competence?
14. Japanese EFL Learners' Knowledge of Coreference in Tensed and Infinitive Constructions
15. A Study on Chinese Learning Anxiety of International Students in Taiwan
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