

作者:吳政隆 引用關係
作者(外文):Wu, Cheng-lung
主題關鍵詞:金鶯隊態度主觀規範行為傾向OriolesAttitudeSubjective normBehavioral tendency
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The main purpose of this study is to investigate the behavioral intention of college students who watch the Orioles Wei-Yin Chen baseball game as the research object. Purposive sampling approach was employed and a total of 260 valid questionnaires were obtained. Structural equation model was used to conduct data analysis and test hypotheses research purposes. The results are as follows: First, behavioral beliefs and outcome evaluation of the product have a significantly positive impact on the attitude. Second, the product of normative beliefs and motivation of compliance have significantly positive impact on the subjective norms. Third, the product of control beliefs and perceived intensity have significantly positive impact on the perceived behavioral control. Fourth, the attitude has a significantly positive effect on the behavioral intentions. Fifth, the subjective norm has no significant influence on behavioral intentions. Six, perceived behavioral control has a significantly positive influence on the behavioral intentions. Seven, perceived behavioral control has a significantly positive impact on the behavior. Eight, behavioral intentions have no significant influence on behavior. Finally, suggestions for future research and management are made based on the findings.
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