

題名:The Eucharist as a Countercultural Liturgy: An Examination of the Theology of Henri de Lubac (1896~1991)
作者(外文):Au, Yik-pui
主題關鍵詞:聖餐聖禮禮儀亨利∙德∙呂巴克文化抗衡EucharistSacramentLiturgyHenri de LubacCounterculture
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本文從「文化抗衡」的視角,檢視亨利.德.呂巴克 (Henride Lubac) 如何以他的聖餐詮釋針對當時的個人主義、極權主義及階級主義等文化問題。首先,文章會檢視及分析呂巴克著作中對聖餐的詮釋,對聖餐在其神學中的重要性作出定位。其次,會找出呂巴克所關注的文化問題及其原因。然後,分析他如何從「文化抗衡」的視域,運用他對聖餐的神學詮釋,抗衡他所關注的文化問題。最後,文章會評價呂巴克運用其對聖餐的詮釋抗衡文化問題的對應程度。期望本文的分析及研究方法,對近年關注從「文化抗衡」的角度研究聖禮有所貢獻。
From a countercultural perspective, this paper will examine how Henri de Lubac interprets the Eucharist in order to address cultural issues in his time, viz., individualism, totalitarianism and also hierarchical culture. First, an analysis of the interpretation of the Eucharist in de Lubac's theology will be conducted in order to position the significance of the Liturgy in his theology. Second, the paper will identify the cultural issues that concern de Lubac and the reasons behind his concern. Third, the paper will analyze how in a countercultural perspective, de Lubac employs his interpretation of the Eucharist to reproach the cultural misgivings that he identifies. Finally, an evaluation will be made on the validity of de Lubac's deployment of the Eucharist to counter these cultural issues. It is hoped that both the analysis and the method of this research can contribute to the growing interest in studying the liturgy from the perspective of counterculture.
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