

作者(外文):Lu, Cai-jhenChang, Lin-fengHung, Lu-yeanPeng, Shu-ping
主題關鍵詞:中風吞嚥困難語言治療護理師StrokeDysphagiaSwallowing trainingNurse
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In recent years, cerebral vascular accident (CVA) has been the third leading cause of death in Taiwan, and dysphagia (or swallowing disorder) is a common complication of CVA. Currently, the average hospital in Taiwan has 1.02 speech-language pathologists (SLPs) and 176.88 nurses, which is a large gap. Because the swallowing therapeutic frequency for each inpatient is approximately 1 to 3 times a week, which is insuffi cient for those acute ones, educating nurses on basic swallowing training drills is crucial to increasing the frequency and tense of swallowing therapy, which will effectively reduce the indwelling of the NG tube, improve swallowing, and promote the quality of life (QOL) of patients with CVA. However, medical personnel were found to be relatively uninformed about swallowing training, and more effective communication between medical personnel and SLPs was required. As a result, to improve the swallowing ability and QOL of patients with CVA, providing dysphagia lectures to nursing personnel and a proper communication channel between SLPs and nursing personnel is crucial.
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