

作者(外文):Hsieh, Yu-ling
主題關鍵詞:長春真人西遊記丘處機元人遊記遠遊道教Travels to the West of Qiu ChangChun, Qiu-ChujiYuan dynastytravelogueExpeditionTaoism
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”Travels to the West of Qiu Chang” is a 13th-centry travelogue written by Yuan dynasty Taoist Li, Zhi-chang (李志常) that documents the history, geography, culture and religion of the people in Northern China and central Asia of that time. The book consists of two parts, describing how Qiu Chuji accepted Genghis Kha's invitation to travel to the west to give him advices and also contains details of what he sees and hears along the travel.Owing to the culture fusion between Mongolian and the Han Chinese, and the thrive of transportation both on water and on land, literature was able to blossom in a wider space. So as to travel notes expanded from the common Jiangnan aria in the Southern Song dynasty to the Northwest, it expands the borders of literature which is most significant. This essay explores the experience of change of space in ”travel” in a literary aspect and the imaginative narrate and sensation it generates. Through the observance of the western expanse, analyze the fear of the people in central China towards the alien North and the tension of ”borderland/China”, ”adventure/pursue”, ”imagination/practice”, ”rossover/ disperse” that grows.At the same time, Qiu Chang Chun and his companions' travel around, allows his words to reflect the actual local conditions, therefore through the book, we are able to see the meaning of their travel to Qiu Chang Chun himself and the country and also the establishment of the image of space and the effect of cultural fusion.
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