

題名:The Internationalization of Career Counselling: Bridging Cultural Processes and Labour Market Demands in India
作者:Arulmani, Gideon
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The internationalization of career counselling brings into discussion the career counsellor’s role in the interface between deep-rooted cultural processes and labour market demands. This article uses the construct of social-cognitive environments to examine the issues that surround career preparation behaviour among Indian high school students and young adults. Data from a large Indian survey are used to discuss the manner in which social cognitive variables create occupational prestige hierarchies in the mindsets of Indian career choosers and their families which in turn influences their choice of educational pathways. The data are used to demonstrate the difference between low, middle and upper-middle socioeconomic status groups in their preference for occupations that emerge from university-based qualifications versus those that are based on vocational training. The importance of considering social-cognitive environments and occupational preferences for policy formulation and resource allocation to promote vocational training is discussed. The article highlights points that could be of specific relevance for the delivery of careers services that would address needs felt in the Indian and broader Asian context.
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