

題名:Internationalization of Career Counselling: Reflections on Professional Dynamism and Advancement
作者(外文):Cheung, Raysen
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事業輔導是一門源於西方的學科,它已給引進到世界不同國家及地區。近年學者對它的探討,多以事業輔導國際化為題來討論(例如Goodman & Gillis, 2009; Hartung, 2005; Savickas, Van Esbroeck, & Herr, 2005),而這國際化過程又稱為「全球本土化」(Savickas, 2005, p. 95)。本期專輯探討事業輔導與國際化;來自澳洲、日本、印度、南非及台灣的作者,簡介及分析其所處文化及環境中事業輔導的新發展。本文就本專輯文章的共通課題作反思。這些課題包括:事業輔導理論與社會環境改變的配合,促進事業輔導的文化適切性,以及透過培訓和規範促使事業輔導專業的進展。本文更指出,在國際化及本土化的背景下,各地從事事業發展工作的專業人士可扮演積極主動的角色,推動事業輔導在理論及專業方面的發展。
As a discipline originated from the West, career counselling has been introduced to different countries and regions of the world. This is increasingly discussed and explored as the internationalization of the discipline (e.g., Goodman & Gillis, 2009; Hartung, 2005; Savickas, Van Esbroeck, & Herr, 2005), a process referred as “globalocalization” (Savickas, 2003, p. 95). In this special issue on “internationalization and career counselling,” contributors from Australia, Japan, India, South Africa, and Taiwan outline and analyze recent developments or studies in their respective environmental and cultural contexts. In responding to their articles, I identify important themes in the process of internationalization and reflect on them, namely making theories and practices responsive to social and environmental changes, addressing cultural appropriateness, as well as progressing through professional training and regulation. Implications will also be drawn on how career professionals can play dynamic roles in enhancing theoretical and professional advancements in their respective countries in the context of localization and internationalization.
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7.Arulmani, Gideon(20090000)。The Internationalization of Career Counselling: Bridging Cultural Processes and Labour Market Demands in India。亞洲輔導學報,16(2),149-170。new window  new window
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9.Goodman, J.、Gillis, S.(2009)。Vocational guidance requests within the international scene。Career Development Quarterly,57(4),335-341。  new window
10.Hartung, P. J.(2005)。Internationalizing career counseling: Emptying our cups and learning from each other。Career Development Quarterly,54(1),12-16。  new window
11.Herr, E. L.(1996)。Perspectives on ecological context, social policy, and career guidance。Career Development Quarterly,45(1),5-19。  new window
12.Leong, F. T. L.、Savickas, M. L.(2007)。Introduction to special issue on international perspectives on counseling psychology。Applied Psychology: An International Review,56(1),1-6。  new window
13.Leung, S. A.、Hou, Z. J.(2001)。Concurrent validity of the 1994 self-directed search for Chinese high school students in Hong Kong。Journal of Career Assessment,9(3),283-296。  new window
14.McIlveen, Peter(20090000)。Career Development Practice and Career Counselling in Australia。亞洲輔導學報,16(2),113-132。new window  new window
15.Savickas, M. L.、Van Esbroeck, R.、Herr, E. L.(2005)。The internationalization of educational and vocational guidance。Career Development Quarterly,54(1),77-85。  new window
16.Song, L. J.、Werbel, J. D.(2007)。"Guanxi" as impetus? Career exploration in China and the United States。Career Development International,12(1),51-67。  new window
17.Tang, M.(2009)。Examining the application of Holland's theory to vocational interests and choices of Chinese college students。Journal of Career Assessment,17(1),86-98。  new window
18.Watanabe-Muraoka, Agnes M.、Michitani, Rie、Okada, Masaki(20090000)。A Perspective on Career Counselling in Japan。亞洲輔導學報,16(2),171-191。new window  new window
19.Watson, Mark(20090000)。Transitioning Contexts of Career Psychology in South Africa。亞洲輔導學報,16(2),133-148。new window  new window
20.Leung, S. A.、Chen, P. H.(2009)。Counseling psychology in Chinese communities in Asia: Indigenous, multicultural, and cross-cultural considerations。The Counseling Psychologist,37,944-966。  new window
21.Savickas, M. L.(1993)。Career counseling in the postmodern era。Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly,7(3),205-215。  new window
22.Pryor, R. G. L.、Bright, J.(2003)。The chaos theory of careers。Australian Journal of Career Development,12(3),12-20。  new window
23.Farh, J. L.、Leong, F. T. L.、Law, K. S.(1998)。Cross-cultural validity of Holland's model in Hong Kong。Journal of Vocational Behavior,52(3),425-440。  new window
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25.Long, L.、Tracey, T. J. G.(2006)。Structure of RIASEC scores in China: A structural meta-analysis。Journal of Vocational Behavior,68(1),39-51。  new window
26.Tien, Shelley Hsiu-lan(20090000)。Cultural Encountering: The Applicability of Holland's Typology in Taiwan。亞洲輔導學報,16(2),193-226。new window  new window
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