

題名:School Counseling: Current International Perspectives
作者(外文):Yuen, Mantak
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This article introduces the main theme for the special issue by summarizing some of the literature that informs understanding of the current development of school counseling in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland. Brief comparisons are also made with the practices evident in the United Kingdom and Australia. Within this issue, the articles from the United States, Japan and Korea reveal converging views on school-wide collaboration and a systems approach in supporting the personal-social, academic and career development of all students. The concluding thoughts from the overview of literature, together with the contributions to this issue, are summarized as a list of questions to challenge researchers, guidance professionals, educators and administrators working together for the further improvement of counseling programs in schools.
1.Hou, Z.、Zhang, N.(2007)。Counseling psychology in China。Applied Psychology: An International Review,56(1),33-50。  new window
2.McMahon, M.(2006)。Career counselling in Australia。International Journal of Psychology,41(3),174-179。  new window
3.Gysbers, Norman C.(20000000)。Implementing a Whole School Approach to Guidance through a Comprehensive Guidance Program。亞洲輔導學報,7(2),5-17。new window  new window
4.Yuen, M.(2002)。Exploring Hong Kong Chinese guidance teachers' positive beliefs: A focus group study。International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling,24(3),169-182。  new window
5.Chan, R. M. C.、Shea, P. M. K.、Lau, P. S. Y.、Yuen, M. T.(2005)。The provision of counseling supervision in primary schools: Current status and challenges。Journal of Basic Education,14(1),121-139。  new window
6.De Jong, T.、Kerr-Roubicek, H.(2007)。Towards a whole school approach to pastoral care: A proposed framework of principles and practices。Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling,17(1),1-12。  new window
7.Fischer, A. R.、Jome, L. M.、Atkinson, D. R.(1998)。Reconceptualizing multicultural counseling: Universal healing conditions in a culturally specific context。The Counseling Psychologist,26(4),525-558。  new window
8.Fox, C. L.、Butler, I.(2007)。"If you don't want to tell anyone else you can tell her": Young people's views on school counselling。British Journal of Guidance and Counselling,35(1),97-114。  new window
9.Jiang, G.(2005)。The development of school counseling in the Chinese mainland: A review。Journal of Basic Education,14(1),65-82。  new window
10.Kwan, K. L. K.、Gerstein, L. H.(2008)。Envisioning a counseling psychology of the world: The mission of the international forum。The Counseling Psychologist,36(2),182-187。  new window
11.Lam, C.、Yuen, M.(2008)。Applying solution-focused questions with primary school pupils: A Hong Kong teacher's reflections。Pastoral Care in Education,26(2),103-110。  new window
12.Leung, P.、Yuen, M.(2001)。Parent-teacher conference in a secondary school: A case study。Pastoral Care in Education,19(1),28-30。  new window
13.Leung, S. A.、Chan, C. C.、Leahy, T.(2007)。Counseling psychology in Hong Kong: A germinating discipline。Applied Psychology: An International Review,56(1),51-68。  new window
14.Leung, S. Alvin、Tsoi-hoshmand, Lisa(20070000)。Internationalization and International Publishing: Broadening the Impact of Scholarly Work in Counseling。亞洲輔導學報,14(1/2),141-154。new window  new window
15.Liu, R.、Liang, Z.、Xu, C.、He, S.(2008)。An experimental research on secondary and primary mental health education。Education Experimental Research,1,67-72。  new window
16.Liu, X.、Cao, X.(2008)。The positive psychological factors in mental health education。Educational Research,2,90-94。  new window
17.Luk-Fong, P. Y. Y.(2006)。Hybridity in a guidance curriculum in Hong Kong。International Journal for the advancement of Counselling,28(4),331-342。  new window
18.McLaughlin, C.(2008)。Emotional well-being and its relationship to schools and classrooms: A critical reflection。British Journal of Guidance and Counselling,36(4),353-366。  new window
19.Meng, W.(2008)。On positive mental health education。Educational Research,5,41-45。  new window
20.Pope, M.(2004)。Counseling psychology and professional school counseling: Barriers to a true collaboration。The Counseling Psychologist,32(2),253-262。  new window
21.Shek, D. T. L.(2006)。Effectiveness of the tier 1 program of the project P.A.T.H.S.: Preliminary objective and subjective outcome evaluation findings。The Scientific World Journal,6,1466-1474。  new window
22.Thomason, T. C.、Qiong, X.(2008)。Counseling psychology in China: Past and present。International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling,30(4),213-219。  new window
23.Torres-Rivera, E.、Nash, S.、Sew, B. C. W.、Ibrahim, S. B.(2008)。Training school counselors in Singapore: First impressions of a multicultural challenge。Journal of Counseling and Development,86(2),219-223。  new window
24.Watkins, C.(1999)。Personal-social education: Beyond the national curriculum。British Journal of Guidance and Counselling,27(1),71-84。  new window
25.Watkins, C.(2001)。Comprehensive guidance programs in an international context。Professional School Counseling,4(4),262-270。  new window
26.Watkins, C.(2004)。Reclaiming pastoral care。Pastoral Care in Education,22(2),3-6。  new window
27.Watkins, C.(2008)。Depoliticisation, demoralisation and depersonalisation - And how to better them。Pastoral Care in Education,26(1),5-11。  new window
28.Yu, G.、Wang, Y.(2002)。Mental health education in primary and secondary schools: Current status, problems and development trends。Educational Research,7,70-73。  new window
29.Yuen, M.、Chan, R.、Lau, P.、Lam, M. P.、Shek, D. T. L.(2004)。The counselling self-estimate inventory (COSE): Does it work in Chinese counsellors?。Counselling Psychology Quarterly,17(2),177-194。  new window
30.Webb, R.、Vulliamy, G.(2007)。Changing classroom practice at Key Stage 2: the impact of New Labour's national strategies。Oxford Review of Education,33(5),561-580。  new window
31.Yuen, M.、Chan, R. M. C.、Lau, P. S. Y.、Gysbers, N. C.、Shea, P. M. K.(2007)。Comprehensive guidance and counselling programmes in the primary schools of Hong Kong: Teachers' perceptions and involvement.。Pastoral Care in Education,25(4),17-24。  new window
32.Hui, E. K. P.(2000)。Guidance as a whole school approach in Hong Kong: From remediation to student development。International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling,22(1),69-82。  new window
1.Lee, B. S. F.、Wong, C. K. F.(200807)。Transition to comprehensive student guidance service in Hong Kong。2008 Inaugural Asia Pan Pacific Rim International Counselling Conference。Hong Kong。  new window
2.Yuen, M.、Hui, E. K. P.、Leung, T. K. M.、Lau, P. S. Y.、Chan, R. M. C.、Shea, P. M. K.(200405)。Position statement on the life skills curriculum and the comprehensive guidance program in schools。The Symposium on Life Skills Development and Comprehensive Guidance Programme。Hong Kong。  new window
1.Wathins, C.、Camell, E.、Lodge, C.(2007)。Effective learning in classrooms。London:Paul Chapman。  new window
2.Yuen, M.、Lau, P. S. Y.、Leung, T. K. M.、Shea, P. M. K.、Chan, R. M. C.、Hui, E. K. P.、Gysbers, N. C.(2003)。Life skills development and comprehensive guidance program: Theories and practices。Hong Kong:Life Skills Development Project, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong。  new window
3.Shek, D. T. L.、Ma, H. K.、Merrick, J.(2007)。Positive youth development: Development of a pioneering program in a Chinese context。London, England:Freund。  new window
4.Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China(2002)。Guidelines on secondary and primary mental health education。Beijing:People's Education Press。  new window
1.Chan, C.(200304)。Supportive supervision scheme。  new window
1.Yuen, M.(2006)。School counseling in Hong Kong: History, policy, current implementation status, and future directions。School counseling and career guidance。Macau:Faculty of Education, University of Macau。  new window
2.Lang, P.(2003)。Affective education in schools: A personal response。Life skills development and comprehensive guidance program: Theories and practices。Hong Kong:Life Skills Development Project, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong。  new window
3.Tan, E.(2006)。Singapore school counseling: Development history, status, policy and future direction。School counseling and career guidance。Macau:Faculty of Education, University of Macau。  new window
4.Yuen, M.、Lau, P. S. Y.、Leung, T. K. M.、Chan, R. M. C.、Hui, E. K. P.、Ke, S. Y.(2004)。How to enhance students' life skills development。Practical Chinese handbook of educational psychology。Hong Kong:Division of Educational Psychology, Hong Kong Psychological Society。  new window
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