

作者(外文):Li, Po-wen
主題關鍵詞:職業安全衛生法勞工安全衛生法適用範圍行業標準分類Occupational Safety and Health ActLabor Safety and Health ActApplied scopesStandard classification of industries
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Objectives: The aims of this study were to explore the meaning and scope of and amendments to the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and to identify issues of concern. Methods: We utilized literature review, content analysis and historical research to review the evolution of regulations and classifications of the industrial standards of safety and health. Time series analysis and matching were also used to evaluate the generalization, reasons for, scope and direction of amendments. This study also used the analytical method to compare the applied scope of the Labor Standards Law. Results: The scope of the laws that have been applied in Taiwan can be divided into 4 periods, known as the "the 4-stage application scope". The first phase was the initial period of implementation of the law, which was applied to only 5 major industries. The second phase was the expansion of the Act to include 14 types of industries. The third phase was reformation of the law by removing specific provisions for standard classifications applicable to industries, and removing links between standard classification and the scope of the law applicable to them. The fourth phase was the stage of maturity of the Act, and expanded the scope from the original 14 industries to "applicable to all industries". Conclusions: Progress from the Labor Safety and Health Act for 5 major industries to the Occupational Safety and Health Act for all industries has been significant. The evolution of the Act has been a reflection not only of specific responses to the International Convention for "safe and healthy working conditions for all", but also symbolizes our determination to link our occupational safety and health standards to other countries. In the future, the new law may require additional modification in order to establish new benchmarks for occupational safety and health in Taiwan.
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