

題名:書評:Daniel Brinks (丹尼爾.薄令克), Marcelo Leiras (馬賽羅.雷拉思), and Scott Mainwaring (史考特.曼沃凌) eds., «Reflections on Uneven Democracies: The Legacy of Guillermo O'Donnell» (不均衡民主的反思--歐唐奈的遺產) (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014)
作者:向駿 引用關係
作者(外文):Hsiang, Antonio C.
主題關鍵詞:歐唐奈阿根廷民主Guillermo O'Donnell
原始連結:連回原系統網址new window
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2.Whitehead, Laurence(20060700)。Closely Fought Elections and the Institutionalization of Democracy。Taiwan Journal of Democracy,2(1),1-11。new window  new window
3.郭定平(2012)。奧唐奈爾的比較政治學研究。中國社會科學報,259。  延伸查詢new window
4.O'Donnell, Guillermo(20071200)。Democratic Theories after the Third Wave--A Historical Retrospection。Taiwan Journal of Democracy,3(2),1-9。  new window
5.Whitehead, Laurence(2009)。Europe's Democratization Three 'Clusters' Compared。Taiwan Journal of Democracy,5(2),1-19。new window  new window
6.Whitehead, Laurence(20100700)。International Dimensions of Political Change in the MENA Region。Taiwan Journal of Democracy,6(1),1-23。new window  new window
7.Whitehead, Laurence(20101200)。Biology, Politics, and Democracy。Taiwan Journal of Democracy,6(2),23-42。new window  new window
8.Whitehead, Laurence(20130500)。The Westminster System: "Model" or "Muddle"?。Taiwan Journal of Democracy,Special,9-38。new window  new window
9.Whitehead, Laurence(2014)。Anti-democracy Promotion Four Strategies in Search of a Framework。Taiwan Journal of Democracy,10(2),1-24。  new window
10.邱立本(20150906)。天國.黨國.權力邊界。亞洲週刊,29(35)。  延伸查詢new window
11.Whitehead, Laurence(20050700)。Freezing the Flow: Theorizing about Democratization in a World in Flux。Taiwan Journal of Democracy,1(1),1-20。new window  new window
1.O'Donnell, Guillermo A.、Schmitter, Philippe C.、Whitehead, Laurence(1986)。Transitions from Authoritarian Rule, Vol. 2: Latin America。Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press。  new window
2.O'Donnell, Guillermo A.、Schmitter, Philippe C.、Whitehead, Laurence(1986)。Transitions from Authoritarian Rule, Vol. 3: Comparative Perspectives。Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press。  new window
3.O'Donnell, Guillermo A.(1973)。Modernization and Bureaucratic-Authoritarianism: Studies in South American Politics。Berkeley:Institute of International Studies, University of California。  new window
4.O'Donnell, Guillermo A.、Schmitter, Philippe C.、Whitehead, Laurence(1986)。Transitions from Authoritarian Rule, Vol. 1: Southern Europe。Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press。  new window
5.O'Donnell, Guillermo A.、Schmitter, Philippe C.、Whitehead, Laurence(1986)。Transitions from Authoritarian Rule, Vol. 4: Tentative conclusions about uncertain democracies。Johns Hopkins University Press。  new window
1.俞可平(20061228)。民主是個好東西,http://theory.people.com.cn/GB/49150/49152/5224247.html, 。  延伸查詢new window
2.韓震(20150827)。究竟誰是最大的民主國家。  延伸查詢new window
3.The New York Times(20150827)。No Comment Necessary: 'China Is the World's Biggest Democracy',http://takingnote.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/08/27/no-commentnecessary-china-is-the-worlds-biggest-democracy/。  new window
4.向駿(20150604)。臺灣民主拉美化。  延伸查詢new window
1.Lowenthal, Abraham F.(1986)。Foreword。Transitions from Authoritarian Rule, Vol. 2: Latin America。Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press。  new window
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