

作者:張明偉 引用關係
作者(外文):Chang, Ming-woei
主題關鍵詞:檢察官司法官檢察總長司法豁免權證據開示Public prosecutorJudicial officialAttorney generalJudicial ImmunityDiscovery
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關於我國檢察官之定位,亦即檢察官究竟是行政官或是司法官,向來迭有爭論。究竟釋字第 392 號解釋所謂廣義司法機關之概念特徵為何?其與一般行政官之差異何在?相關司法實務並未有明確說明。為釐清上述疑義,本文擬以美國聯邦檢察官制度為說明基礎,探討檢察官為廣義司法機關之內涵,並基於檢察官於刑事司法制度中所擔負之職責,區分其與一般行政官員之差異,期能為我國檢察官制度發展所參考。
Whether the legal status of the public prosecutor in Taiwan, an administrative official or a judicia official, has long been argued. What the characterisitic of officials in the judicial branch, compared to its counterpart in the executive branch, in the broad sense noted by the Judicial Council Interpretation of No. 392 should be has never been clarified by the Judicial. In order to clear the confusion, this study explores the content of the concept of officials in the judicial branch in the broad sense with the prosecutor system in the United States. In addition, this study distinguishes the different duties or functions of the public prosecutor in the judicial process and non-judicial process to provide necessary information with the authority in Taiwan for future development of the prosecutor system.
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