

題名:從「過渡」到「過渡中的主體」:Étienne Balibar對於歷史唯物論的詮釋
作者:林淑芬 引用關係
作者(外文):Lin, Shu-fen
主題關鍵詞:主體無產階級專政意識形態過渡歷史唯物論SubjectDictatorship of the proletariatIdeologyTransitionHistorical materialism
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2.Walker, Galvin(2012)。Citizen Subject and the National Question: On the Logic of Capital in Balibar。Postmodern Culture,22(3)。  new window
3.林淑芬(20150300)。空、遭遇與延續--晚期阿圖塞的機緣唯物論。政治與社會哲學評論,52,1-61。new window  延伸查詢new window
4.Althusser, Louis、Camiller, Patrick(1978)。What Must Change in the Party?。New Left Review,109,19-48。  new window
5.Anderson, Perry(1976)。The Antinomies of Antonio Gramsci。New Left Review,1(100),5-78。  new window
6.Balibar, Étienne(1973)。Self-Criticism: Answer to Questions from "Theoretical Practice"。Theoretical Practice,7/8,56-72。  new window
7.Balibar, Étienne(2012)。Civic Universalism and Its Internal Exclusions: The Issue of Anthropological Difference。Boundary,239(1),207-229。  new window
8.Geras, Norman(1972)。Althusser's Marxism: An Account and Assessment。New Left Review,71,57-86。  new window
9.Toscano, Alberto(2014)。Transition Deprogrammed。The South Atlantic Quarterly,113(4),761-775。  new window
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1.Zizek, Slavoj(2013)。The Idea of Communism 2: The New York Conference。London:Verso。  new window
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4.Graeber, David、湯淑君、李尚遠、陳雅馨(2013)。為什麼上街頭?新公民運動的歷史、危機與進程。臺北:商周。  延伸查詢new window
5.Althusser, Louis、Lock, Grahame(1973)。Reply to John Lewis。London:NLB。  new window
6.Althusser, Louis、Elliot, Gvegory(1995)。Machiavelli and Us。London:Verso。  new window
7.Althusser, Louis、Balibar, Étienne、Brewster, Ben(1997)。Reading Capital。London:Verso。  new window
8.Badiou, Alain(2010)。The Communist Hypothesis。Verso。  new window
9.Balibar, Étienne(1974)。Cinq études du matérialisme historique。Paris:Librairie François Maspéro。  new window
10.Balibar, Étienne、Lock, Grahame(1976)。On the Dictatorship of the Proletariat。London:NLB。  new window
11.Balibar, Étienne(1994)。Masses, Classes, Ideas: Studies on Politics and Philosophy Before and After Marx。London:Routledge。  new window
12.Balibar, Étienne、Swenson, James(2001)。We, The People of Europe? Reflections on Transnational Citizenship。Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press。  new window
13.Balibar, Étienne、Ingram, James(2010)。Equaliberty: Political Essays。Durham, NC:Duke University Press。  new window
14.Balibar, Étienne、Scott-Railton, Thomas(2012)。Citizenship。Cambridge:Polity Press。  new window
15.Bosteels, Bruno(2011)。The Actuality of Communism。London:Verso。  new window
16.Callinicos, Alex(1976)。Althusser's Marxism。London:Pluto。  new window
17.Dean, Jodi(2012)。The Communist Horizon。London:Verso。  new window
18.Douzinas, Costas、Zizek, Slavoj(2010)。The Idea of Communism。London:Verso。  new window
19.Hindess, Barry、Hirst, Paul(1977)。Mode of Production and Social Formation: An Auto-Critique of Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production。London:Humanity Press。  new window
20.Jameson, Fredric(2010)。Valences of the Dialectic。London:Verso。  new window
21.Lefebvre, Henri、Brenner, Neil、Elden, Stuart、Moore, Gerald、Brenner, Neil、Hall, Stuart(2009)。State, Space, World: Selected Essays。Minneapolis, Minnesota:University of Minnesota Press。  new window
22.Mandel, Ernest(1978)。From Stalinism to Eurocommunism: The Bitter Fruits of Socialism in One Country。London:Verso。  new window
23.Preobrazhensky, E. A.(2015)。The Preobrazhensky Papers: Archival Documents and Materials, Volume I: 1886-1920。Chicago, IL:Haymarket Books。  new window
24.Resnick, Stephen A.、Wolff, Richard D.(1987)。Knowledge and Class: A Marxian Critique of Political Economy。Chicago, IL:University of Chicago Press。  new window
25.Thompson, E. R.(1978)。Poverty of Theory。New York, NY:Monthly Review Press。  new window
26.Hardt, Michael、Negri, Antonio(2001)。Empire。Harvard University Press。  new window
1.Bukharin, Nikolai(1921)。The New Economic Policy of Soviet Russia,https://www.marxists,org/archive/bukharin/works/1921/07/08.htm, 2015/02/18。  new window
2.Johnson, Alan(2012)。The New Communism: Resurrecting the Utopian Delusion,http://www.worldaffairsjournal,org/article/new-communism-resurrecting-utopian-delusion, 2015/01/30。  new window
3.Lenin, Vladimir L.(1921)。The New Economic Policy and the Task of the Political Education Departments,https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1921/oct/17.htm, 2015/01/30。  new window
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1.Althusser, Louis(1977)。The Historical Significance of the 22nd Congress。On the Dictatorship of the Proletariat。London:NLB。  new window
2.Althusser, Louis(1978)。Marxism Today。Philosophy and the Spontaneous Philosophy of the Scientists。London:Verso。  new window
3.Balibar, Étienne(1991)。From Class Struggle to Classless Struggle?。Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities。London:Verso。  new window
4.Balibar, Étienne(1991)。Citizen Subject。Who Comes After the Subject?。London:Routledge。  new window
5.Balibar, Étienne(1996)。Structural Causality, Overdetermination, and Antagonism。Postmodern Materialism and the Future of Marxist Theory。Lebanon, VI:Wesleyan University Press。  new window
6.Balibar, Étienne(1965)。Part III: The Basic Concepts of Historical Materialism。Reading Capital。London:Verso。  new window
7.Balibar, Étienne(2013)。Communism as Commitment, Imagination, and Politics。The Idea of Communism 2: The New York Conference。London:Verso。  new window
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