

作者:洪千惠 引用關係
作者(外文):Hung, Chien-hui
主題關鍵詞:公民素養英文繪本共讀英語戲劇教學Civic literacyShared English storybook readingEnglish drama
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本研究將公民素養融入大專英文課程,以技職院校二年級學生為例,探討以下兩大 問題。第一,使用含公民素養議題的英文故事是否可以提高學生英文閱讀興趣,並喚起 學生對這些議題的關注與了解,進而提昇其公民素養?第二,英語戲劇教學活動是否增 進學生英語表達能力?基於技術學院學生英文能力普通低落且學生英文學習動機不高 等理由,本研究選擇趣味性高、文字較淺顯易懂的英文兒童繪本,做為討論文本。授課 教師除了帶領學生閱讀外,還輔以學習單教學。在提昇學生英語聽講能力方面,授課教 師輔以多元的聲光教學媒體,並將學生分組,指導學生將這些故事,以戲劇的方式呈現出來。本研究透過教師觀察學生反應及學習成效,了解英語戲劇教學活動是否幫助提昇學生的英語表達能力。本研究也利用問卷,了解學生的看法,檢視將公民素養融入大專 英語課程的實施效益。最後,本研究會視其研究成果,提出建議,以供曰後課程設計之參考。
The purpose of this research is twofold. The first one is to understand if using the English storybooks which discuss civic literacy can motivate students to read in English as well as raising their civic literacy concerns. The other one is to learn if English drama can enhance students5 English speaking ability. The storybooks used in the study include “Prince Cinders,” “Princess Smartypants,” “Six-Dinner Sid,” “The true Story of the Three Little Pigs,” and “Frozen.” The teacher (the researcher) used the strategy of shared storybook reading and drama in teaching and used questionnaires to collect students5 feedback. The researcher found that shared storybook reading exercise is favored by students and drama activities promote students’ ability in speaking.
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