

作者:方婷臬林秋菊 引用關係
作者(外文):Fang, Ting-nienLin, Chiu-chu
主題關鍵詞:不確定感理論活體腎移植移植術後照護Uncertainty theoryLiving-donor kidney transplantationPost-transplant care
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Kidney transplantation greatly benefits end-stage renal disease patients, as they no longer must bear the torment of hemodialysis. However, the effectiveness of living-donor kidney transplantation is often negatively impacted by various complications, which patients may learn to control through related self-care strategies. However, lack of information on these complications and related strategies may lead to feelings of uncertainty and worries over the prognosis. This article discusses a nursing experience with a patient who underwent living-donor kidney transplantation and who suffered from immense uncertainty and prognosis-related worry. Based on the assessment framework of Mishel’s uncertainty theory, the authors identified the cause of the subject’s uncertainty and offered thorough information regarding post-transplant care. During the period of care, the subject gained self-care knowledge and skills. Furthermore, he learned to apply self-recording, a technique that enabled him to self-monitor the progress of his disease progress, which reduced his sense of insecurity significantly. Ultimately, the subject turned uncertainty into motivation in order to actively participate in his treatment and to maintain optimum health status.
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