

作者:李旻諺 引用關係
作者(外文):Li, Min-yen
主題關鍵詞:禁轉票據平行線支票委任取款背書背書不連續票據侵權行為Non-negotiable instrumentCrossed checkEndorsement by procurationInstruments with uncontinuous endorsementTort
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The Non-negotiable Crossed Check is one common kind of checks in the instruments negotiation in daily life. Can this kind of check be used as the Endorsement by Procuration again? The answer is mostly positive in theory and practice. And whether it conflicts against the effect of the non-negotiable instruments by admitting the said check that it can be used as the Endorsement by Procuration again? There is still the room for discussion. Though 2006 Tai Shang Zi No.2223 Judgment of the Supreme Court admits that the Non-negotiable Crossed Instrument can be used as the Endorsement by Procuration again, it still recognizes that it shall comply with the important parts of the interpretation of 1984 Tai Yang Ye Zi No.1800 of the Business Bureau of Central Bank, and 1985 Tai Yang Ye Zi No. 1145. Otherwise, the payment paid by the paying bank shall be deemed as the payment by checks with uncontinuous endorsements which is stipulated in Article 144 mutatis mutandis Clause 1 of Article 71 of Law of Instruments and the paying bank shall bear the liability arising therefrom. However, the Appellor (the Drawer) appeals the Appellee (the Paying Bank) for damage compensation against the infringement acts. As for this problem, under the opinion of denying the Non-negotiable Crossed Instrument can be used as the Endorsement by Procuration again, it is possible for the paying bank to pay for that check. Then whether that appeal is reasonable belongs to another problem. This paper believes that when people who hold the instrument are not the practical obligee of the instruments, the paying bank shall pay for the checks with uncontinuous endorsements, and in order to be responsible for its own fault, it shall pay to the practical obligee of the instruments again in accordance with Clause 1 of Article 71 of Law of Instruments. And the paying bank shall not be responsible for the damage compensation of the infringement acts. And the check payment with uncontinuous endorsement by the paying bank has not caused any loss of rights and interests to the drawer. Finally, this paper analyzes the comments on the said two arguments in practice arising from 2006 Tai Shang Zi No.2223 Judgment of the Supreme Court.
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