

作者:賴森堂 引用關係崔詠捷
主題關鍵詞:持續整合敏捷開發行動商務App整合測試安全風險Continuous integrationAgile processM-commerce AppSecurity risksIntegration test
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行動商務正持續快速成長,行動商務應用程式( App)是提升行動商務效率與效益的重要利器,不過,App 安全漏洞與缺失造成的危害與損失是難以預估的,可能衝擊個人、組織與社會的安全,如何提升行動商務App 的安全性,成為一項值得探討議題。軟體製程中,結合持續整合( Continuous Integration; CI)的敏捷開發模式,可以及時識別與改善軟體開發缺失,有效降低軟體專案失敗風險。為此,本文深入探討CI 的運作環境與優勢,剖析高變動性行動商務App 開發與維護的安全風險,規劃以敏捷開發模式結合CI,彌補行動商務 App 的安全問題,進而提出一套行動商務App 持續整合程序(MCommerce Application Continuous Integration Procedure; MCACIP),融入自動化整合測試,隨時部署可用的App,及時識別安全漏洞與缺失,強化App 安全性,有效降低行動商務App 安全風險。
Mobile commerce growth ratio is rapidly expanded. M-commerce App ( Applications) are the major tool to increase efficiency and revenue of Mobile commerce. However, App security vulnerability and defect may cause the inestimable damages and losses. Personal data, organization and society security could be impacted. How to increase the security of M-commerce App is a worth discussion topic. In software development, combining CI ( Continuous Integration) into agile process can timely identify the software errors and defects for efficiently reducing software project development risks. For this, in this paper surveys the advantages of CI technology and analyzes the development and maintenance security of M-commerce App. Combining CI ( Continuous Integration) into agile process improves the security issues of M-commerce App and proposes the M-Commerce App Continuous Integration Procedure( MCACIP). The MCACIP applies automated integration testing, workable App quickly deployment, security vulnerability and defects timely identification to efficiently reduce App operation security risks.
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