

作者:陳增穎 引用關係鄭麗卿
作者(外文):Cheng, Tseng-yingCheng, Li-ching
主題關鍵詞:同儕人際家長參與單親家庭學習表現Academic performanceChild-parent relationshipPeer relationshipSingle-parent family
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本研究從幼兒園之教保服務人員的觀點出發,探討單親家庭幼兒的家長參與、幼兒的同儕人際關係及幼兒的學習表現。本研究採取質性研究法進行,以半結構式的訪談法為主,邀請符合研究條件之教保服務人員參與訪談。研究結果顯示影響單親幼兒的家長參與的正向因素有:( 1)家長重視子女的學習表現;( 2)家長重視幼兒的感受;( 3)教保服務人員主動邀請家長參與;( 4)家長較願意參加不需耗費太多心思的活動。負向因素有:( 1)家長工作作息與幼兒園不一致;( 2)家長與子女互動少;( 3)家長會因為與教保人員的性別而有所區別;( 4)家長過度依賴隔代教養;( 5)家長對幼兒的期待過低。另外,單親幼兒的同儕人際互動主要是受到個人與行為特質影響,興單親事實無涉。最後,影響單親幼兒學習表現良好的因素有:具有強烈的好奇心、細心觀察、認真聽講以及家長參與學習;學習表現低落的原因則為缺乏學習的環境、學習對象以及學習動機等因素。本研究據此結果加以討論,並對幼兒園、教保人員和家長提出相關建議。
This study was aimed to explore parents’ involvement, peer relationship and achievement of children of single-parent. The study, a qualitative research, has been mainly conducted by the interview method. Five preschool educators who have more than 10 years of experiences were the interviewees. The conclusions are listed as below: The single parents were not able to participate in children’s education at home and school affairs because of personal factors. Single-parenthood did not affect the single-parent preschoolers ’peer relationship. However the personal characters do have impacts on the developments of interaction. Single-parent children’s academic performance were basically based upon personal learning attitudes、adults ‘ guides、environmental preparation and role modeling. The study suggests that can enhance children’s academic performance by providing the children with friendlylearning environment and encouraging parents’ involvement in education.
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