

作者:林家華林楷潔 引用關係吳志富 引用關係張開國黃明正許慈文
作者(外文):Lin, Chia-huaLin, Kai-chiehWu, Chih-fuChang, Kai-kuoHuang, Ming-chengHsu, Tzu-wen
主題關鍵詞:圖形化指示標誌視覺認知駕駛經驗高快速公路Diagrammatic guide signVisual cognitionDriving experienceHighway
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Diagrammatic guide signs on highways are used to rapidly and accurately direct road users and smoothly connect them to interchanges on various roads. However, surveys on Taiwan's current road conditions, diagrammatic guide signs frequently cause misunderstandings, resulting in drivers' route-selection confusion. Hence, this study proposed modified designs that address current issues in diagrammatic guide sign designs. Additionally, we compared the cognitive levels of road users who possess various driving experiences on different design combinations to develop improved design guidelines. This study began by compiling the design specifications for diagrammatic guide signs from various countries. Current road user demands for highway diagrammatic guide signs were inspected. Based on visual ergonomic theories, the composition factors of guide signs were categorized. In addition, two types of research samples for primary and secondary interchange exits were designed. Subsequently, cognitive experiments were conducted to obtain the evaluation results of road users who possessed various driving experiences regarding their comprehension levels of the guide sign designs. The results indicated that regarding the diagrammatic guide sign designs for primary and secondary interchange exits, when the primary arrow structures were presented in a semi-simplified road shape style and the corresponding geographical names were placed front the subsidiary road arrows, higher comprehension levels could be reached.
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