

作者:江朝聖 引用關係
作者(外文):Chiang, Chao-sheng
主題關鍵詞:內線交易犯罪所得淨利法市場吸收法沒收Insider tradingGain resulting from the offenseNet-profit approachMarket absorption approachForfeiture
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Section 171 of Securities Exchange Act has been amended in 2004. The offense of insider trading has been imposed at lease 7 years in prison if the actor gets more than one hundred million Taiwan dollars. However, how to measure the gain resulting from the insider trading offense is controversial among courts. For example, the insider trading scandal in which the son-in-law of former President is involved has been tried for more than nine years. The major issue in that case is the calculation of the defendant's gain. Coincidently, the similar issue is among U.S. circuit courts. The Eighth Circuit takes "net-profit approach" in U.S v. Mooney, however the Tenth Circuit adopts the "market absorption approach" in U.S. v. Nacchio. Since the Supreme Court has not yet taken this kind of case, the controversy is still unclear till now. In this research, the authors try to understand the statue from the legislative history. But, the reasoning behind the statue is vague and contradictory. Then this research compares several insider trading cases and tries to figure out the main issues in judicial opinion. Furthermore, the author reads U.S. v. Nacchio, U.S. v. Mooney and other U. S. cases and tries to learn lessons from U.S. debate. Based on the above discussion, this research provides its own approach.
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