

作者:秦夢群 引用關係黃敏榮
作者(外文):Chin, Joseph Meng-chunHuang, Min-rung
主題關鍵詞:分布式領導學校效能學校創新經營Distributed leadershipSchool effectivenessSchool innovative management
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The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships among the school distributed leadership, school innovative management, and school effectiveness in senior high schools. Data were collected from a sample of 1,052 teachers affiliated with 86 public and private senior high schools in Taiwan. A structural equation modeling was employed to test the mediating effect of school innovative management on the relation between teachers’ perception of their school distributed leadership and school effectiveness. The results reveal that school innovative management has a mediating effect between distributed leadership and school effectiveness which can reinforce positive influence on school effectiveness indirectly.
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