

作者:陳幸仁 引用關係
作者(外文):Chen, Hsin-jen
主題關鍵詞:特色學校微觀政治微觀政治領導矩陣學校領導Featured schoolMicropoliticsMicropolitical leadership matrixSchool leadership
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台灣近年來經歷少子化對學校經營的衝擊,為了挽救部分學校面臨關閉的困境, 教育部推動中、小學發展學校特色的政策,藉以化危機為轉機。校長身為學校首席 領導人,自然成為推動特色學校的主要舵手。本研究試圖從微觀政治領導矩陣的理論 架構,分析校長在推動特色學校的過程中,利害關係人知覺其領導效能為何。研究 發現,威權領導容易令行政人員知覺校長專斷獨裁,但在教育改革浪潮下,有時卻是 不得不然的領導方式;校長採行敵對領導,傾向任用偏好或想法接近的成員擔任行政 主管,容易造成教師疏離甚至對立;催化領導是說服教師推動特色學校常用的領導 取向;而民主授權領導既尊重教師意見亦能提升同僚能力,又給人關懷並重視弱勢 學習,堪稱最佳的領導取向。
Recently, due to the low birth rate, a few schools are facing the situation of being “shut down.” In order to solve this crisis, Taiwan’s Ministry of Education has implemented the policy of “featured school.” The school principal is undoubtedly the key leader in carrying out this policy. This study attempted to analyze how the principal carried out this policy of featured school under the perspective of the theoretical framework of micropolitical leadership matrix. Research findings illustrated four aspects: (a) authoritative leadership would make school administrators perceive that the principal was dominant and autocratic; however, sometimes the principal had no choice but to adopt such a leadership style for implementing the new policy required by the education authorities; (b) adversarial leadership would show the principal’s favoritism toward those administrators appointed by him or her; this leadership style caused conflict or alienation among some colleagues; (c) facilitative leadership was a popular leadership style used by the principal to persuade teachers to implement the policy of featured school; (d) democratic/empowering leadership could be the best leadership style which respect teachers’ opinions and capabilities, and put emphasis on the learning of disadvantaged students.
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