

題名:探討市售九層塔(Ocimum basilicum L.)莖與葉之化學組成與釐清是否含有黃樟素(Safrole)與丁香酚(Eugenol)等致癌成分
作者:陳千純楊雯珺吳芊逸王曉芬 引用關係易光輝 引用關係
作者(外文):Chen, Qian-chunYang, Wen-jiunWu, Cian-yiWang, Hsiao-fenYih, Kuang-hway
主題關鍵詞:九層塔黃樟素丁香酚致癌風險氣相層析質譜儀Ocimum basilicum L.SafroleEugenolCancer riskGas chromatography mass spectrometer
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