

作者:施正鋒 引用關係
作者(外文):Shih, Cheng-feng
主題關鍵詞:轉型正義洗滌法中歐東歐Transitional justiceLustration lawCentral EuropeEastern Europe
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We shall start with the construction of a conceptual framework for transitional justice and lustration laws and explore relevant factors, including demonstration effect, degree of former oppression, modes of Communist exit, political competition, external pressure, media’s exposure, and the role of the constitutional court. Efforts are then made to examine the mechanism for lustration, including objects, duration, and positions held. What follow are the pro and cons of implementing measures of transitional justice, particularly the lustration law. Before we come to the conclusion, we shall briefly report how countries in Central and Eastern Europe have conducted transitional justice.
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2.Williams, Kieran、Fowler, Brigid、Szczerbiak, Aleks(2005)。Explaining Lustration in Central Europe: A 'Post-communist Politics' Approach。Democratization,12(1),22-43。  new window
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4.Appel, Hilary(2005)。Anti-Communist Justice and Founding the Post-Communist Order: Lustration and Restitution in Central Europe。Eastern European Politics and Societies,19(3),379-405。  new window
5.Cepl, Vojtěch(1997)。The Transformation of Hearts and Minds in Eastern Europe。Cato Journal,17(2),229-234。  new window
6.Chiu, Yvonne(2011)。Liberal Lustration。Journal of Political Philosophy,19(4),440-464。  new window
7.Damsa, Liviu(2011)。Lustration (Administrative Justice) and Closure in Post-Communist East Central Europe。International Journal of Public Law and Policy,1(4),335-75。  new window
8.Horne, Cynthia M.(2009)。International Legal Rulings on Lustration Policies in Central and Eastern Europe: Rule of Law in Historical Context。Law and Social Inquiry,34(3),713-744。  new window
9.Horne, Cynthia M.(2014)。Lustration, Transitional Justice, and Social Trust in Post-Communist Countries: Repairing or Wresting the Ties That Bind?。Europe-Asia Studies,66(2),225-254。  new window
10.Krygier, Martin、Czarnota, Adam。After Postcommunism: The Next Phase。Annual Review of Law and Social Science,2,299-336。  new window
11.Letki, Natalia(2002)。Lustration and Democratization in East-Central Europe。Europe-Asia Studies,54(4),529-552。  new window
12.Łoś, Maria(1995)。Lustration and Truth Claims: Unfinished Revolutions in Central Europe。Law and Social Inquiry,20(1),117-161。  new window
13.Meierhenrich, Jens(2006)。The Ethnics of Lustration。Ethnics and International Affairs,20(1),99-120。  new window
14.Tracy, Lynne M.(1993)。Prospects for an Independent Judiciary: The Russian Constitutional Court and the CPSU Trial。Akron Law Review,26(3),581-608。  new window
15.Welsh, Helga A.(1996)。Dealing with the Communist Past: Central and East European Experience after 1990。Europe-Asia Studies,48(3),413-428。  new window
16.David, Roman(2004)。Transitional Injustice? Criteria for Conformity of Lustration to the Right to Political Expression。Europe-Asia Studies,56(6),789-812。  new window
1.McAdams, A. James(1997)。Transitional Justice and the Rule of Law in New Democracies。Notre Dame:University of Notre Dame Press。  new window
2.Elster, Jon(2004)。Closing the books: transitional justice in historical perspective。Cambridge University Press。  new window
3.施正鋒(2006)。台灣族群政治與政策。台北:翰蘆。  延伸查詢new window
4.Offe, Claus(1996)。Varieties of Transition: The East European and East German Experience。Polity Press。  new window
5.Sadurski, Wojciech(2014)。Rights before Courts: A Study of Constitutional Courts in Postcommuist。Dordrecht:Springer。  new window
1.Albon, Mary(1993)。Democracy and Decommunization: Disqualification Measures in Eastern and Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union,http://www.beyondconflictint.org/2014/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/DEMOCRACY-AND-DECOMMUNIZATION_-Venice-1993.pdf。  new window
2.Bronkhort, Daan(2006)。Lustration in Central and Eastern Europe: Truth and Justice,https://www.amnesty.nl/part-ii-lustration-in-central-and-eastern-europe-truth-andjustice-june-2006-daan-bronkhorst。  new window
3.Council of Europe(1996)。On Measures to Dismantle the Heritage of Former Communist Totalitarian Systems,http://assembly.coe.int/nw/xml/XRef/Xref-XML2HTML-en.asp?fileid=16507&lang=en。  new window
4.Havel, Vaclav(1990)。Havel's New Year's Address to the Nation, 1990,https://chnm.gmu.edu/1989/archive/files/havel-speech-1-1-90_0c7cd97e58.pdf。  new window
5.Horne, Cynthia M.,Levi, Margaret(2003)。Does Lustration Promote Trustworthy Governance? An Exploration of the Experience of Central and Eastern Europe,http://www.colbud.hu/honesty-trust/horne/LeviHorne.doc。  new window
6.Konrad Adenauer Stiftung(2008)。Status Quo of 'Lustration' in SEE As of 31 January 2008,http://www.kas.de/wf/doc/kas_13092-544-2-30.pdf。  new window
7.Michnik, Adam。The Rebirth of Civil Society,http://miszlivetzferenc.com/wpcontent/uploads/2012/01/Michnik_The-Rebirth-of-Civil-Society.pdf。  new window
8.Olson, Sara(2013)。Transitional Justice and the Rule of Law: Lustration and Criminal Prosecutions in Post-Communist States,http://www.international.ucla.edu/media/files/olson-vol-six-ch-xzm.pdf。  new window
9.Shchetko, Nick,Mills, Laura(20190409)。Ukraine Bans Soviet-Era Symbols,http://www.wsj.com/articles/ukraine-bans-soviet-erasymbols-1428606171。  new window
10.Szczerbowski, Jakub J.,Piotrowskv, Paulina(2008)。Measures to Dismantle the Heritage of Communism in Central and Eastern Europe: Human Rights' Context,file:///C:/Users/Genuine/Downloads/Dialnet-MeasuresTo DismantleTheHeritageOfCommnunismInEaster-3684868%20(6).pdf。  new window
11.Transitional Justice and Memory in the EU(2013)。Lustration Mechanisms,http://www.proyectos.cchs.csic.es/transitionaljustice/content/lustration-mechanisms。  new window
12.United Nations Development Programme(2006)。Vetting Public Employees in Post-conflict Settings: Operational Guidelines,https://www.ictj.org/sites/default/files/ICTJ-UNDP-Global-Vetting-Operational-Guidelines-2006-English.pdf。  new window
1.Horne, Cynthia M.。Transitional Justice: Vetting and Lustration。Research Handbook on Transitional Justice。  new window
2.Uzelac, Alan(2007)。(In)surpassable Barriers to Lustration: Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?。Lustration and Consolidation of Democracy and the Rule of Law in Central and Eastern Europe。Zagreb:Political Science Research Centre。  new window
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