

作者(外文):Chen, Yee-guang
主題關鍵詞:劉河間三消五運六氣亢害承制標本Liu-HeijianSan-xiaoFive-circuit-six-qiRoot-superficial causeUnrestained excess causing disorders
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San-Shao-Lun was a book which written by Liu Wansu (Hejian) in the Jen-Yuan Dynasty in his old age. His book was published by his follower Cheng Chiho after he died and Cheng added a picture based on Hejian which is called “Heaven-Earth six levels simulate Six Organs”. It gives out the message of Heave-Earth-Human six levels from Zenith to lower world. Upper level is the lung and heat, Middle is the liver and gall bladder, Lower level is the spleen and kidney, levels represent yin-yang and five-elements running around. Confucius said that positions are ready in the heaven and earth then Yi《易》 wandering thereafter. As Heijan said that the six levels with six organs running around them. Heaven and Earth has had this six levels which refers to human is also true. Heijian considered that polydipsia, polyuria and polyphagia (diabetes like syndrome) is caused by the weakness of dampness and coldness, contrarily is the dryness and heat emerged externally of the gastrointestinal organs as well as occlusion of the three visceral cavities which gives the three polys syndrome. Three polys caused by dryness and heat dominantly. Heijian believes that spleen and kidney are the roots of the body which drains nutrients to the other four organs and four limbs. If roots lack of water and dry then three polys syndrome will be diseased. Based on the facts of dryness and heat, occlusion and stasis, we treat patients with the Liu-I formula which is effective to treat three polys syndrome even diabetes (NIDDM). Enormous heat in the body, Heijian applied treatement which is called heat above and treat it with coldness underneath. Kidney level then Liu-Wei-Di-Huang-Wan or Kidney-Qi-Tonifying Pill will be applied. Heijian emphasized on the five circuits and six qi for treatments which can further be classified into root cause and superficial causes while six qi is the root, the twelve meridian and internal organs are the superficial accordingly. This root and superficial concepts may lead us to learn much more from Heijian and is crucial in treatment too.
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