

作者(外文):King, Lai-pingChou, Yen-jungYang, Deng-kaiChang, Chin-hsien
主題關鍵詞:腸阻塞中西醫結合腹脹IleusIntegrated Chinese and Western medicineAbdominal fullness
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This is a 71- year-old male patientwith hypoxic brain injury after giving resuscitate. Because of stupor consciousness, he needed long-term care by the conservation organization. He was hospitalized due to sudden vomiting, severe abdominal distension and suspected paralytic ileus. After admission, he received two weeks of supportive therapy including medicine and nasogastric tube insertions. His intake was normal without vomiting, however, he was still very bloating. Therefore, a consultation with the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupcture physician was requested by his family. The patient was discharged after Integrated Chinese and Western medicine. In this case report, the cause, mechanism and principle of treatment of paralytic ileus from the TCM perspective were discussed. Variouskinds of Chinese medicinal treatments for ileus including acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, moxibustion, acupoint injection, and Chinese herbs were reviewed. The experience could be the reference treatment of the combination of Modern Medicine and TCM for ileus.
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